Push and Pull

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After family dinner

I was taking shower now, after a long chat with the family . They are so generous and always involve me in conversations. I accidentally drank the beer mistaking it for juice because of the maid's mistake which she was scolded for but thankfully they didn't fired her because I said it was okay. But I felt tipsy everything seemed different.

Anyway me and Iris were always sleeping together even though the Mansion had almost 10 rooms just like in our apartments. We never slept in different rooms whenever we came here or when I went to her apartment.

The reason was I have been facing troubles trying to fall asleep for many years now. I was always restless and having lucid dreams and suffer from sleep paralysis most of the time if Iris is not by my side. Whenever I'm at my sister's place I always wake up crying and screaming so I prefer being with Iris. She cuddles me until I fall asleep in her arms. Her embrace is so warm and comforting. I feel safe with her. I never face any trouble sleeping with her.

I came out of the big luxurious washroom in a black silk bathrobe to see her sitting on the bed leaning on the headboard while reading some novel wearing her glasses looking like a nerd.

My lovely adorable nerd.
She had a small pout on her lips, she does that whenever she is impressed at something. She is a fan of human psychology based novels. She seemed to be done taking a shower already as her hair looked slightly wet and she had a towel around her neck wearing her brown silk pajamas.

She was so emerged in reading the book that she didn't saw me coming out of the washroom and was continously reading the book and I don't know why but this kind of annoyed me. She should atleast look up at me and acknowledge my presence.

I went to her and took the towel from her neck and started drying her hair with it. She was still reading the book though not even looking up once.

What's so interesting about that novel?

"It's fine Sherry my hair are smaller than yours they'll be dry soon you should start drying your own, I'll tell some maid to get a Hair dryer it'll be faster that way", she said, eyes still on the book and picked up her phone on the nightstand.

"Pheona, bring a hair drying machine to my room right now and some candies too.", she ordered in a soft voice. She really was enjoying reading otherwise she would've sounded stern.

"Eating candies before bed is bad for your perfect pearl like teeth. You should drink milk instead", I said while combing her dark and soft hair with my fingers. Look at me already you bookworm!

"Just a few of them.I'll brush my teeth, I can't get rid of this awful taste of capsicums after that so don't worry darling. ", she assured and pulled me close to sit beside her. Her endearments never fail to make my heart flutter but she still wasn't looking at me, WHAT THE HELL!

I sighed and leaned on her shoulder and she wrapped her hand around my back. Maybe I'm overthinking it's just her being interested in a novel nothing else to be worried about right?



Suddenly a knock interrupted my train of thoughts. "Young Miss. I brought the things you wanted. May I come inside?", the maid asked politely. Iris covered me with the blanket before allowing that maid to come in and put those things. She always acts like a protective boyfriend it's crazy how much I love it when she does.

"Do you need anything else Young Miss?", the maid asked. "No. You're dismissed Pheona", Iris said pushing her glasses upside. That was attractive.

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