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Just like every other day Iris goes to Sherry's house to pick her up .''Morning buddy!You ready?",asked Iris looking at the girl she has always loved with adoration in her eyes.

"Morning bestie! Yup I'm ready looking all pretty and cute like always",said Sherry while giggling. She comes near Iris and holds her hand and they start walking to their school (they walk most of the time because the school is not that far away from their homes and they both live nearby each other)

Even though it has been more than ten years that they have been besties but Iris still gets all shy and blushy when Sherry holds her hand or show some kind of affection.

Ever since they were kids they always went to school together. When they reached the school sherry hugged Iris and they both went to their own classes and met up with their school friends.

Well for Iris she doesn't have a lot of friends because of her stubborn nature and arrogance meanwhile Sherry has many friends and she is a girl loved by almost everyone because of how friendly and lovely she is with others.

Sometimes people wonder why Sherry is friends with someone like Iris who is completely opposite of her.

Even though Sherry knows what people say about Iris she still continues to adore her because she knows Iris has always cared for her and always will. In her eyes Iris is the sweetest person she has ever met she just doesn't shows that side to anyone but her which makes her feel special in some way.

They have different classes for the first period so Iris is always irritated the whole time during the first period.

"How the heck is that professor so ugly and has such a terrible voice he sounds like a dying horse",Iris says lowly to her cousin Emma looking like she will kill him any second if he keeps babbling with his irritating voice.

Emma just laughs lowly at this and whispers,"he is just a darn professor do you want him to sound like Harry styles with that toad like face of him" they both laugh lowly and continue to endure the tor-lecture.

** Timeskip**

"Finally", said Iris frustrated as heck after suffering for those 45 minutes feeling like her ears might start bleeding anytime.

Sherry enters the class with that adorable smile of hers making Iris feel all charged and euphoric after all that suffering .
Iris nudged Emma to go and sit somewhere else so that she can sit next her sherry. Sherry sits next to her and wait for the professor while talking to her as for Iris she didn't gave a damn about the professor she was just happy being next to her girl.

As they were both talking the professor enters with a guy who is literally every straight girl's dream guy and all the girls started to talk about him to each other which was really irritating to Iris but what she didn't saw was Sherry staring at him intensely as well."SILENCE",the professor yelled to everyone and they all listened which Iris was really thankful for.
"This guy here is joining you all today in this class be kind to him and help him with the things he needs",the professor announced after that he told the new guy to introduce himself to the class.

"Hi everybody I'm Chris Gomez ,I hope we can get along", he said while giving a charming smile every straight girl would die for and all the girls-heck even some guys cheered for him.

The professor told him to sit in front of Sherry's desk which made Iris a little frustrated but didn't showed it. "This bastard just came and has already become a nuisance motherfucking bitch there were many other vacant seats and he had to give him this one"

Sherry was feeling all excited and giddy on the inside knowing how the other girls must be dying to be in her place , a handsome guy sitting in front of your desk.

The other girls were giving envious looks towards Sherry which made her smile even more on the inside. Suddenly Chris turned around and said "hey can I borrow a pen please being an idiot I forgot it ",looking shy which made Iris furrowed her eyebrows and think that,"how much of an idiot a person has to be to forget such a crucial and basic thing at school guess what his face doesn't matches his brain"
however Sherry on the other hand was blushing really hard and laughed a little at his words and gave him a pen but she didn't noticed that the pen she gave him in excitement was the pen that she and Iris bought on their friendship anniversary.

This made Iris really furious as well as hurt but she chose to stay silent to see if Sherry notices what she has done.

Iris kept ignoring Sherry for the first time in her life for the rest of the school and didn't even spare a glance at her which made the latter really confused because she has never seen her behave like that.

Normally Iris would look at her as if she is the only person that is visible to her beautiful golden brown eyes but now it was like as if she has became invisible to her. Sherry felt lonely and had a stoic face for the first time which made everyone ask her if she's fine.

"Iris did I do something wrong, why are you being like this to me. Please I'll do anything to make you happy again just don't ignore me it hurts when you do that",Sherry said with a sad voice and a small pout because she knows Iris can't stay mad when she does that.

"Don't talk to me ,please just don't okay? I'm not in the mood to talk right now and of course it's because you did something-something really wrong and the fact you have no idea about it makes me even more upset and stop pouting like a damn child", Iris said frustrated and not even looking at Sherry for once.

"She really has the audacity to ask me what's wrong and if SHE did something! just wait mon cher". Iris said in her mind .

Sherry knew she messed up pretty bad because Iris never talks to her like that and didn't even looked at her "Fine I won't talk to you but I'll try my best to make my Iris go back to normal self", she said giving a cute smile which made Iris smile too so she had to look away to hide it and put on a angry face again.

It's really short I know . This is my first time writing a story so It's a little hard to come up with creative ideas to make the story more interesting and better. If anyone of you have ideas for this story please do comment and tell me .
-Akira D'Souza

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