Chapter 2. Mario meets Scott and his pals

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(We continue in the subway the next day, the subway then makes a stop)

Announcer: We have arrived in  Toronto, if you want to make a stop, go ahead.

Mario: Welp, this may stop. Farewell everyone!

(Mario jumps off the subway and then goes up stairs and sees the beautiful snowy lands of  Toronto)

Mario: Oh wow, I heard so much about this place being snowy, but I never knew it was this beautiful. (Mind) Do you think they might recognize me?

Toronto citizen: Hey look, fat, short Italian!

Toronto citizen #2: You [bleep]tard, that's obviously Rayman!

Mario: (yawn) Man I'm feeling tired, I'm gonna need some good ol' energy drinking coffee.

(Mario then looks around some places until he spots a place called "Second Cup.")

Mario: "Second Cup?" That's sounds like a jolly place for waking up.

(Mario walks in and see a girl with brown hair, yellow earrings, and glasses looking at her phone, she then looks at Mario and her expression changes from bored to shocked)

Mario: Uhh hello, I'd like to buy a coffee.

???: Oh my god, this can't be f[Bleep] happening. I get up at f[bleeping] 6:00am to get this sh[bleep]le of a job open, and after 2 hours, I see a midget dressed as Mario asking for some f[bleep]ng coffee!

Mario: Well, I'm no cosplayer, I'm THE Mario, you know from Nintend-

???: Yeah yeah save the role play for later, so what can I get you?

Mario: I'll just take a regular coffee.

(The worker gets a coffee cup and puts it in the coffee machine and fills it ups and gives it to Mario)

???: Here you go, I'm sure Scott will be happy to see this.

Mario: This Scott guy sounds like a big fan of my games, is he one of your friends?

???: That f[bleed)rd? He's Stacey idiot brother.

Mario: And where is Stacey?

???: She normally works here, but she's not here today.

(Behind the worker is another worker with black hair)

Stacey: I'm right here Julie.

Julie: Wait, I thought you were-oh never mind. Enjoy your f[bleep]ing coffee.

Mario: Ok, and your name is Julie? That's a nice name.

Julie: Oh f[bleep] off.

(Mario then walks to a table)

Julie: Stacey, call your brother and tell him Mario's here.

Mario: (to himself) Man, the nerve of some people.

(Mario sits on a table, begins to drink his coffee, then gets out a 3DS from his suitcase and plays Sonic Generations on it because there actually exists a 3DS port of the 2011 game Sonic Generations. But all of it stops when Mario gets a call)

Mario: Oh looks like a I got a call on my Nintendo approved IPhone and it from Luigi.

(Mario answers)

Mario: Yes?

(Cuts to Luigi at the castle with Bucken-Berry and Ala-Gold looking under a couch)

Luigi: Hey Mario, if Bowser breaks into the castle, how does he get in usually?

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