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Warm ocean air washed over me as I climbed out of the of the SUV and shut the door. In the middle of the work day the pier wasn't very busy, it was mostly a few tourist so it wasn't hard to find Galveston; he was leaning on the railing with a cigarette between his lips. The sun caught his golden brown hair that he sept in a short quiff and his dark hazel eyes were watching the waves. "Hey," I greeted and his gaze turned to me as he took the cigarette between his fingers. 

"Anna, always good to see you," he replied giving me a smile that would turn the world on its axis for some women but I had become immune to it years ago. Gal was a former member of the FBI's gang task force who'd been forced to retire after he was shot while his team was taking down a branch of the cartel turned government contractor who tracks occult or terrorist groups. 

He took my hand and placed a kiss on top of it making me roll my eyes. "You should know your charms don't work on me," I commented when he let go of my hand so I could lean on the rail next to him and took his cigarette. 

"They did once upon a time," he replied watching me take a long drag as I rolled my eyes. 

He wasn't wrong, we'd met on my first assignment back after losing Hunter, I'd been sent to Prague where we crossed paths at a bar called the Black Angel. Thanks to a few strong drinks I'd told him pretty much my whole story and he was the first person to look at me as something other than tragically broken; fuck the way he'd worked my body made me forget everything that had plagued me. Unlike the man who would have been Hunter's father Galveston was never a one-night stand, more like a friend with benefits when our paths would cross. I handed him back the cigarette and exhaled the smoke. "What did you find out?"

He snubbed it out and tossed it into a trash can near by. "Well," he began shoving his hands into the pockets of his worn leather jacket. "There's some chatter in the underground circuit about it. All of these hash tag me too movements and other things that were meant to work toward female equality and empowerment  are using the name of the order anytime they go to far by setting things on fire or someone gets hurt."

I chewed on my lip for a moment then turned to face him. "So its more along the lines of being a group for empowering women?"

"From what I can tell yes. Believing that sacrifices will bring some sort of divine favor is a thing of the past. I can't tell you the last time I've come across a group who still implement sacrificial offerings."

"Well, I guess that's good to know," I sighed turning back to the ocean. "Thanks for looking into it for me."

"No problem, can I take you out to dinner while I'm in?"

I raised an eyebrow. "How long are you in for?"

"Till the end of the week then I'm headed to Paris."

"What's in Paris?"

"My little sister is getting married."

I laughed a little and saw him turn to me from the corner of my eye. "Sorry I'm just trying to imagine you in a suit and tie."

He let out a chuckle of his own and he took a step closer placing a large hand on the small of my back "It's only for a few hours and its for Gabbi. So about dinner."

"I have to go to Oakland for a few days but I'm free tomorrow evening."

"Great, I hear there's a really good burger joint in Agoura Hills."

I gave him a smile. "Six thirty work for you?"

"I'll take whatever time I can get with you Cher."

Turning to leave I stood on my toes and placed a kiss on his cheek before heading to the car. 

On my way back to the house I picked up everything that I needed for dinner then started cooking around three thirty so everything would be ready when Tavin got home after five. I was setting everything out on the kitchen island when the front door opened and shut then a few moments later Tavin walked in dragging his fingers through his hair. "Evening Mister Kennsington," I greeted and his gaze met mine, a smile stretching across his face. 

"Miss Ravenscroft, this smells amazing," he replied taking a seat at the island.

"Well, we aim to please." I poured two glasses of wine before joining him. "So, I have dinner plans tomorrow night."

"Oh yeah?" he asked taking a sip of wine. "With who?"

"My friend Galveston who I reached out to about Estella's friends."

"I'm guessing that he got back to you."

I nodded. "Everything he's heard about the order points to them only wanting to empower young women."

He let out a breath looking toward me. "So, I should stop worrying myself sick over the people she's hanging out with."

"Right now everything points to yes."

"Thank you Anna."

I smiled at him and nodded. "You don't have to thank me."

"How long have you known this Galveston?"

"We met in Prague when I had started back with fieldwork and would run into one another over the years."

"Well, give him my thanks and if he hears anything else you'll let me know right?"

"Of course I will."

Like with lunch earlier in the day we chatted while we ate and I cleaned up while he turned in for the night since he had an early meeting with his father to discuss strategy for the investors meeting. I was putting the leftovers in the fridge when my phone buzzed from its place on the counter and glanced at it to see a message from Galveston- it was good to see you today, I can't wait for dinner tomorrow

A tiny smile spread across my face, this is what I need, something to take my mind off of the way I want Tavin.

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