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 The long dead smell of the crypt gave way to the mustiness of the damp earth as we made our way down the hall until we came to an antechamber that was lit by the flickering flames of torches that lined the parameter of the room, a throne of deeply colored wood sat in the center of the room and standing at a wooden altar were my mother and Estella. The beams of our flashlights caught their attention causing them to turn to us and I could see a dagger in Stella's hand. "What the hell is going on?" Tavin said from a few steps behind me.


"They said they could bring mom back," Estella sobbed and clutched the dagger tighter until her knuckles were white.

"Stella," Anna breathed and sat her pack and flashlight by her feet then stepped forward holding up her hands in the way someone does when trying to sooth a spooked creature. "After all my travels don't you think if there was a way to bring back not only my twin but also my son that I would do it?"

"Don't listen to her Estella," Analyze interjected but I watched the way my daughter's brow furrowed.

"Son? You never had children."

I could see the change in Annabeth at this and I knew Galveston saw it too from his place beside me. "I... lost my son before he was ever born. You may not remember but years ago, before you mother got sick, I came to stay with you all. When I found out I was going to be a mother. I was ready to settle down so I could raise my child but then I had my miscarriage and my world felt like it was falling apart."

"You aren't fit to be a mother," hissed my mother-in-law and my girl, God love her, looked at her with eyes that were filled with wisdom far beyond her years.

"Nana," she scolded and I watched a realization fill my child's eyes as she looked at her grandmother. "You knew she had lost a child and yet you treated her the way you have."

Analyze rolled her eyes. "She doesn't deserve sympathy. It was her choice to whore around and get knocked up."

"Says the woman who used one of her children to line her pockets," Galveston commented earning a stony glare from the older woman.

"Why give her false hope?" Anna asked evenly. "Even if there was a way to bring someone back from the realm of death it would upset the balance of the universe."

"I don't believe anyone was speaking to you," the older Ravenscroft woman spat at Gal, ignoring her daughter. "You're as big a fool as anyone for thinking you are anything to Annabeth other than just another notch on her bed post."

"That is enough Analyze," a silky voice commented and we all looked toward the back of the room as an ornate door that seemed to be part of the wall opened. My heart was in my throat as I watched the woman who entered the room and crossed to set in the delicate wooden throne- waves of golden blonde hair fell down her back, dark brown eyes, flawlessly smooth skin and a petite form.

"Mom," Estella croaked and took a step forward but Anna gently caught her arm earning a furrowed brow look. I forced myself to swallow the lump in my throat, knowing why she did this.

"That's not your mother Stella," Annabeth informed and Stella looked between them.

"Of course it is," Analyze commented and I slowly stepped to Anna's side.

"No, it's not. I would know if it was Elizabeth, she was my other half."

The woman in the guise of my late wife let out a laugh causing all eyes to turn to her. "You don't give this child enough credit," she sighed turning her dark gaze to Analyze who blanched.

With an elegance that could rival that my wife once had the woman crossed her legs beneath the simple pale gray sheath dress she wore, eyes returning to Anna. "Who, or what are you?" my sister-in-law asked as she moved so she could put herself between the throne and Estella.

"It depends on the day really. Some days I am Aclima and others Aradia."

Anna's gaze shot to her mother. "What the fuck have you done?"

Analyze crossed her arms over her chest looking very smug. "They saved your sister, you all should be thanking me."

"You stupid bitch," Anna spat then had her mother by the front of her blouse. "For someone who thinks they are so smart you are so dumb. That may be Liz's body but she is gone."

"Don't you see the beauty of it? Elizabeth isn't suffering and now Estella can have a mother and Tavin a wife. We can put out a press release that her passing was a hoax so she could go for treatment at a top of the line medical facility in another country."

"What were you going to let her do? Make herself bleed when you knew there was no need for it?"

"I had to know she was serious about joining the order."

"Did she even truly had a choice? Its been put in her path since she was an infant."

"I did it and so did Elizabeth. It's only right Estella does it too."

"You cannot force someone," the seated woman commented. "It is free will after all."

We all watched as she rose from the throne stepping toward us. "Dear One," she began, her dark eyes going to my child who shrank back into Anna. "What is your choice?"

"She's a child she-" Analyze couldn't finish her statement because the woman waved her hand and even though lips were moving no sound came out. "Enough of that."

Estella took a step away from us- doe-eyed gaze going between her aunt and grandmother. "I-I don't want to cause problems."

"Honey," Anna stepped forward gently taking Estella's face in her hands. Watching the way she was toward my only child made something ache inside of me; why can't Analyze see things the way that I do? Annabeth is every bit the mother Estella needs whether she gave birth to her or not. "Your father and I will support you no matter what choice you make. As for causing problems between me and your grandmother, Hell will freeze over before she and I have a good relationship."

Estella let out a little sniffle and dropped the dagger before throwing her arms around her aunt, hiding her face in her chest. "I don't wanna do it," Stella could be heard saying as tattooed arms were wrapped around her. "I like how things have been and don't want them to change."

"Well we have our decision."

Angerly Analyze stomped her feet like a child and my wife's look-a-like let out sigh. "I know you are gonna do wonderful things Estella," she said with a small smile then turned to had toward the door.

"Wait," Annabeth said and cast a look over her shoulder as the other woman halted. "What did she ask for in return? For giving you my sister's body?"

They gazed at one another for a moment then the other woman smiled. "Prosperity," was the only work of response before she took her leave.

"No!" Analyze shrieked, her voice now returned. "She doesn't get to make this choice."

She started toward Anna and Stella but Galveston and I blocked her path. "From here on out Analyze," I began crossing my arms over her chest. "Stay away from Estella, you say that I am unfit to be a father but clearly I am more concerned about her well-being than you are. If I have to I will get the authorities involved."

"You are making a huge mistake Octavius."

I shook my head. "No, I don't think I am Analyze," I retorted before our small group left. 

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