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With a bag of food from a local Mexican place in hand I made my way into the modest three- story office building that served as the main headquarters for Kennsington Group. "Anna!" a tall man with broad shoulders and warm eyes greeted when I stepped through the automatic doors. 

"It's good to see you Max," I replied as we shared a one-armed hug. Maxwell Clayton had been Tavin's right hand long before my family moved to Thousand Oaks, so I guess it's no surprise that he works for him. 

"It has been way to long, c'mon I'll show you up."

I gave him a smile and nodded then followed him past the security desk to the elevator. I opened the bag and pulled out a second,smaller one holding it out to him. "This is for you," I told him and his eyes lit up. 

"From that place on Hodencamp?" he asked and I nodded.

"Of course."

"Have I told you how good it is to have you here?" I laughed as the elevator car filled with a ding and the metal doors slid open. "You can go on in," he told me heading over to his desk.

I made my way to the closed door of Tavin's office and knocked before stepping in. My teeth bit into the inside of my mouth when my eyes landed on him as he rose from behind his desk dressed in a plain olive-green button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a few of the top buttons were undone, black slacks hung low on his hips and dress shoes with his hair pushed back from his face. God, he looks good playing the boss. "Have a seat," he sighed nodding to a couch and chairs that sat around a coffee table in the corner. I went to set on the couch and laid out the food as he got a couple drinks from the mini fridge that sat on a small table in another corner before joining me. "What have you been up to today?" he asked placing two bottles of water on the table as he sat in one of the chairs across from me. 

"Just working on the draft for my newest article before I send it to the editor. How have things been here?" I asked as he picked up a foil wrapped burrito that lay on the table. 

"Made the finishing touches to the full presentation so it will be ready for the meeting this week. Your mother came to pay me a visit."

I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling at this. "What did she want?"

"Tried to say she was here to drop off my invitation to their charity event but you know she doesn't do her own errands."

"I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say that she knows that I'm in town." He nodded and I let out a sigh. "How badly did she trash me this time?"

He was silent for a few moments as he took a bite of his burrito and swallowed. "She asked why I brought you into Estella's life and if I needed help I should have reached out to her and Elias. She felt the need to tell me that you will never be Elizabeth."

"Wasn't losing my child and my twin enough? She feels the need to try to make everyone turn their backs on me."

"I've always hated the way she treats you," he grumbled. "Are you and your father still in contact?"

I nodded taking a bite of my own food. "I hadn't told him I was coming in so I wonder who told mom."

"She told me she 'heard through the grape vine', could maybe she has someone keeping tabs on you."

"Wouldn't surprise me, she always has to know everything."

We continued to chat as we ate then he walked me out to the parking lot. "I'm making Moroccan pot roast for dinner," I informed as I opened the driver's side door of the SUV. 

"Can't wait," Tavin replied and smiled at me before shutting the door. I was heading toward the super market the ringing of my phone filled the car and I looked toward the display on the dash to see it was an incoming call from Galveston, my friend I'd reached out to about the Order of Aclima and Aradia. My thumb hit the phone button on the steering wheel. 

"Hey Gal," I greeted when the call connected. "What's up?"

"Think you could meet me in Malibu?" he asked in his gravely voice that ran with an accent that spoke of his Cajun roots. 

"Uhm, yeah. I can be there in about thirty minutes, where do you want me to meet you?"

"The pier."

"Okay, I'm on my way."

"See you soon."

"See you."

The call disconnected and I heaved a sighed heading toward the coast.

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