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I woke to the sound of someone hammering on the front door and a low groan left my lips as my eyes fluttered open. Anna's back was pressed against my front and one arm was draped across Gal's torso. I placed a kiss to her back before climbing out of bed. After pulling on my slacks from the night before I drug a hand through my messy hair making my way to the front door. There was another knock when I looked through the peephole and found that Analyze was on my stoop. "Analyze," I sighed opening the door.

"Where is she!?" she shrieked shoving passed me so she could enter the house.

"Who?" I asked after shutting the door and turned to her crossing my arms over my bare chest.

"That no count child of mine. She's been spreading lies about me to Estella."

"What lies am I telling?" Annabeth asked as she stepped from the hallway that led to the guestroom. She had pulled on a tank top and leggings and her tattooed arms were crossed over her chest.

If looks could kill Anna would have been struck dead by the look on her mother's face but it didn't seem to phase her. "How dare you tell her that I treated you badly growing up?"

Anna's eyes narrowed as she looked at her mother, her normally bright gaze going cold like the last embers in a hearth. "What about that is a lie? You may have put on a good show when we were young but only a fool would believe that now."

The resonating sound of skin hitting skin  echoed off the walls and my eye grew wide as Analyze lowered her hand and Anna's cheek now bore a bright handprint. "You ungrateful bitch," my mother-in-law hissed and Galveston seemed to materialize from behind Annabeth like some dark angel, maybe more of a demon.

"Watch your tone when you speak to her," he growled, eyes narrowing as he looked at Analyze over Anna's head.

"Who the hell are you?" the older woman hissed giving another one of those looks that could kill.

"Not that it's any of your business but I'm her boyfriend."

That statement caused Analyze to return her hateful gaze to me. "I told you that it was a mistake to bring her into your life and Estella's."

"Nana!" Estella hollered and we all looked toward the front door as she rushed in followed by Edward.

"I told you to stay at the house," Analyze hissed her gaze going to her husband and grandchild.

"You have no right to tell her what to do," I interjected.

"The way I see it you are no longer fit to take care of her." 

"Analyze," Edward scolded.

"Don't Analyze me Edward. It has been a kindness that he's been allowed to be her caregiver to this point but I'll be relieving him of that now."

My blood felt like it was on the verge of boiling and my fingers curled into fists at my sides. "Get out of my house."

"Excuse me?"

"Get the fuck out of my house!"

"Come along Estella."

She reached out a hand to usher my daughter toward the doorway where Edward was standing but Estella, god love her, shrugged off her grandmother's hand and came to stand with me. "No."

Instead of the look she'd given everyone else the one Analyze now bore was one of pure surprise. "Estella Brooke Kennsington, this is not funny. Let's go."

With gentle hands Anna pushed Stella behind her as she and Galveston moved to stand at my side creating a wall that shielded my daughter from her grandmother. "She said no Analyze," Anna said levelly.

With a scoff Analyze tossed her hair over her shoulder as she  turned storming from the house. "I'm so sorry," Edward apologized when we heard the engine of his wife's car start.

Anna went to her father and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. So much love filled Edward's dark hazel eyes as his arms wrapped around his little girl placing a kiss on her forehead. "Never apologize for her," she sighed and I saw peace in his eyes for the first time in years.

When Edward took his leave so he could attempt to quail his wife's anger Estella rushed to Annabeth. "Auntie Anna, I'm so sorry. I didn't know she would fly off the handle like that."

Annabeth gave her a tiny smile and wrapped her arms around the younger woman cradling her head. "Shh my Little Star," she soothed kissing Stella's head. "Like I told my dad, you never have to apologize for what my mother does."

Galveston and I watched as the aunt held her niece at arm's length to gently wipe tears from her eyes the way a mother does when their child scrapes their knee. Every fiber of my being warmed as I watched their tender display, Analyze was wrong. Bringing Annabeth here has been good, not only for Estella but for me as well.

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