Concerning news | 11

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Students were being ushered into the Great Hall during their class periods. What could possibly be happening? Nyx and Caelum shared a confused look with each other while exiting the Transfiguration classroom and making their way to the Great Hall. "It better be something important, I was sleeping earlier." Nyx rolled her eyes at her friend's comment and they continued walking side-by-side.

When they finally reached there, the two friends took a seat at the Slytherin table and watched the other remaining students file in. Once everyone found a seat, professor Dippet stepped up onto the podium and started to speak, "The latest news I've received is quite concerning." He paused and took some time to look around at the confused stares. "You may not be aware of the recent events but I deeply regret to say a girl was found petrified on the second floor." Many gasped and Professor Dippet's words and started to whisper among themselves. She and Caelum shared uneasy glances and turned their attention back to the headmaster's next words. "Do not fret, the girl will make a full recovery but now, there will be some investigating into the matter. By then, I wish students to stick together and report any suspicious behavior if seen." Some students nodded in response, the headmaster walked off the podium to talk to the other professors and then loud chattering could be heard.

"A girl petrified?"

"Is Hogwarts safe?"

"My parents are going to hear about this!"

"I heard Bob Rogers liked to play pranks and tricks on people, could he be the culprit?"

The students then, one by one, walked out of the Great Hall in packs, reducing the population in the room.

Nyx and Caelum followed suit.

She glanced around at the student's expressions. Fear, confusion, worry, and delight. Delight?

Tom Riddle, standing amidst the crowd of black was as visible as ever. He was standing with his group of friends, smirking with the others. He might have felt someone watching him closely because the next moment, he turned his face in her direction and they locked eyes. Brown and black. They seemed to stay like that for a long moment before he turned his gaze back at the group in front of him.

He was intimidated by her.

She had a reputation for holding a stare for a long time, making her opponents back down shakily.

"I have a feeling Riddle is behind this." She whispered to her friend.

"Riddle? He seems bad and all but I won't take him to be that bad." Caelum whispered back and turned to look at the brown-haired prefect boy.

Whether he was behind it or not, she was going to pay more attention to the boys' behavior and what he was up to.


Caelum Black was sitting beside a sleeping Zayn on the couch. The boys had found peace in each other's presence and tended to study and talk together in their free time. It was late at night, the Sun had set a long time ago but it felt like it was just minutes before he heard the unsettling news of a petrified girl who he now learned to be Avi Rivine, a Gryffindor muggle-born.

The sound of footsteps walking towards him from behind brought him out of his deep thoughts. He didn't have to turn around to face the approacher for the figure came into sight.

Abraxas Malfoy.

He eyed the Malfoy Heir suspiciously. The boy had tried and attempted to get him alone to talk about matters he did not want to get involved in which he then learned to surround himself with the presence of others to avoid such conversation. But now, he was alone. No one was around except for the dozing Zayn which he didn't count. He was unconscious, after all.

The platinum-haired boy took a seat at one of the remaining armchairs and opened his mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by Caelum getting up from his seat. "It's getting late. I better head to bed." He started to speed up his pace but a figure stood on top of the stairs leading to the boys' dormitories. Out of the shadows emerged Corvus Lestrange.

Seemingly cornered, he walked back to where he sat earlier and waited for his friend to speak up.

"My invitation is still available." Malfoy started, his icy cold grey eyes bore into Caelum's warm brown ones. It sent a shiver down his spine.

"I told you, I'm not interested. Leave me alone."

A sudden noise sounded and the three boys, including Lestrange, snapped their heads towards the direction where the sound came from.

Apparently, Zayn had started snoring.

A loud sigh of relief came from Lestrange.

"I better get him back to bed." Caelum looked between his fifth-year friend and Malfoy uncertainly.

He made small movements towards the sleeping boy.

"What do I have to do to get you to join?" Asked the Malfoy Heir suddenly.

"Just stop your foolish attempt to get me to join your stupid club. I'm not like you. I don't want to change the world. I don't want to rid all the muggle-borns, I don't want to start a war." His voice came out cold, it actually took him, himself by surprise at his tone.

Caelum shook his friend awake making him jerk up from his sleeping position quickly. Zayn rubbed his eyes tiredly and got up, ascending the stairs to the boys' dormitory with Caelum by his side and later separating.

Once the two boys displeased up the stairs, Abraxas Malfoy cursed at himself for unsuccessfully recruiting Black. Lestrange joined him by his side and sat down in an armchair.

"Riddle isn't going to be happy with the results."

And Lestrange nodded his head in agreement, knowing his friend to be punished later on by their lord.

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