The Astronomy Tower | 21

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"A prophecy?" She asked, rather confused.

"My dad was an Unspeakable who worked in the ministry. He would keep a few prophecies at home for some anonymous reason." Abigail explained. Her usual cheery self has now faltered after speaking of her late father.

This new information had ignited a spark in her brilliant mind. She wanted to press the matter further but before she could, Abigail added, in a stern tone, "If you want to ask me more about the prophecy, I'm afraid that's all I know. My dad wouldn't tell me anything about it." Nyx nodded her head in understanding and thanked her for the insight and left, leaving behind a rather flustered and sad Abigail.

Nyx rushed out of the dorm, making sure it wasn't too suspicious to the eye, and scanned the area where she last saw Riddle. Unfortunately, the dark-haired boy was no longer there so she went over to the platinum-haired, hair slicked back, she had landed her eyes on, sitting and chatting away with his other friends.

Her posture and stride were full of confidence. She reached the Malfoy heir and tapped his shoulder. His grey misty eyes turned swiftly to the figure of the person who dared to touch him. When his gaze finally landed on her, his eyes hardened and his posture stiffened. "What?" Was the first word that left his mouth. It was rather harsh but she brushed it off. "Have you seen Riddle?" She questioned. Her question seemed to have stirred something in Malfoy which she couldn't quite make out why but he did narrow his eyes on her. "It's none of your business where he heads off to." His friends were now listening intently, each of them stealing glances at the pair. Watching Malfoy smirk when Nyx furrowed her brows in annoyance. "What if I have something important to tell him? Does that change anything?" She watched his smirk tug even further into an amused smirk.

"Quite persuasive, are you, darling?"

"Please, stop with the nicknames and nonsense and tell me where Riddle is."

Malfoy's smirk never faltered but thankfully, he told her Riddle was headed to the Astronomy tower for his next class. Astronomy started at midnight but because it was still a quarter to nine pm., she still had time. She summoned her cloak from her dorm which zoomed right into her outstretched hand, left the stupid boys to continue smirking at one another, and made her way up the cold steps of the dungeons, up to the tallest tower in Hogwarts.

I hate stairs.

When Nyx finally made it up to her destination, she tugged at her cloak tighter. Today, the night sky was clear, making it easy to spot the stars in the sky, the breeze was blowing gently, and the flaps of her cloak flapped softly. Whilst she was standing there, bare to the wind, she didn't realize a figure standing ways in the shadow.

Tom Riddle watched as Nyx Rivers bathed in the moonlight, oblivious to her surroundings. He watched as her black hair swayed with the wind, bouncing off and on her shoulders covered with a cloak. From his angle, she looked at peace. He took notice of how she found peace in the night, how she craved the night's air, and everything about the night.

Was it something about her heritage that drew her to the dark?

After a moment of admiring- watching, Rivers, he strolled out of the shadows and made an appearance. Since her back was still turned to him, and his footsteps made little noise, she was still oblivious to the Slytherin prefect.

Nyx stared far away at the trees a long way distance from here.

The Forbidden Forest.

How could such a dangerous place look so peaceful, she wondered.

As Death's daughter stood there, she forgot about the whole point of coming to the Astronomy Tower. It was the silky voice that brought her back to the present. "The night is quite luring, is it?" The voice behind her spoke, right next to her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. She turned her body around to face Riddle. Their bodies inches apart from touching. She inched a bit back for personal space and let out a shaky laugh. "You scared me, Riddle. Don't do that." He smirked at her response and they stood there like that in a rather comfortable silence. After a while, she regained her voice and spoke up, "I got the information you asked for." Riddle raised a brow, intrigued. "Grindelwald was after a prophecy. A prophecy about what exactly, I don't know." His brows furrowed and looked intensely into her eyes. For a moment, she thought he was going to break into her mind with the intensity he was looking at her but after a moment, he said, "I'll look further into that later. Any more useful information you obtain about Grindelwald, prophecies, or the Deathly Hallows, inform me immediately." She had no idea why she even listened to the boy but nodded her head otherwise.

She was looking over at the night sky for the last time before she left but while she was still examining if the bright star she was gazing at was Sirius or not, Riddle said something. "Class starts in three hours, you can stay if you like." She very much liked the idea and pretty much disliked the idea. She loved the night, the night lured her in and she would do anything to experience it as often as she could. But on the other hand, she couldn't say she found Riddle's company enjoyable. But since he was now looking away from her, his head now buried in a book he pulled out of nowhere, he didn't seem like he was going to bother her. So she walked towards the balcony, where she would get the best view of the Scottish lands.

She closed her eyes and smiled as the breeze flowed past her, making her hair flutter around her.

To her unawareness, Riddle had looked up from his book and watched as the girl stood there, soaking up the moonlight, this time, admitting he was indeed, admiring her.

He couldn't deny her beauty in the dark.

For the first time, in his life, he admitted the fact that she was stunningly beautiful.

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