Malfoy Manor | 30

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Nyx stepped out of the vehicle, finding herself face to face with a large and luxurious mansion ahead. Its high walls as high as mountains, the gardens as large as an ocean, and with albino peacocks strutting past beyond the tall metal gates meant to keep out intruders every now and then.

Malfoy grinned upon seeing his home, and seeing the astonished look Nyx expressed on her face only boosted his ego. "You can gawk at it for as long as you want. Just don't get on your knees and worship it," he teased, earning a glare from the raven-haired girl in return. The group passed through the gates and walked along the gravel pathway that led to the tall and intimidating manor ahead.

Riddle and his followers went ahead, chatting along the way while Caelum and her tailed behind, for they were still not accustomed to the group of boys before them.

She watched as Mulciber, Avery, and Lestrange shoved each other around, causing Lestrange to accidentally trip over his own foot and stumble face-first into the ground, earning a look of disapproval from the rest of the boys. A groan was heard from the ground before Lestrange pushed himself up and shoved Mulciber; who was the reason he tripped, to the ground. A satisfied laugh sounded from the dark-haired boy, only irking the blonde-haired boy on the ground even further. "Oh, you think you can just shove me to the ground like that, Corvus?" Mulciber hissed while regaining his feet. Lestrange only huffed in annoyance and playfully rolled his eye, causing Nyx to notice the bruise over his features, probably from hitting the ground.

The two boys argued all the way to the manor until when the group of teenagers finally reached the dark wooden double doors leading inside the manor, did they stop.

Malfoy took a step forward towards the door and gave the knocker a jolt. The double doors slowly creaked open until they could all see the inside.

Hanging above was a chandelier, it swayed a bit when the cold air from outside rushed indoors, but did not sway hard enough to cause any disturbance to the party of friends. The dark wood boards for the floor shimmered as if they had just been polished to perfection minutes before they arrived. A large staircase in the middle of the room, leading up to the second floor of the manor, supposedly where the bedrooms were.

"Welcomed, to Malfoy Manor," Malfoy said proudly. He stepped aside whilst the guests stepped in, looking around the room in awe.

Not trying to let any emotions seep through, she kept a vacant expression, so that she wouldn't be teased like earlier. But inside, she was admiring each and every one of the decor.

Finally, reaching the middle of the room, Malfoy stopped in his tracks, glancing back at the group and directing them to their respective rooms. Even though there were enough rooms for each and every one of them, (Malfoy claimed,) he wanted two people each to share one room. Nyx furrowed her brows, not liking where this was going but fortunately, as if reading her mind, Malfoy directed his words to her. "But since you're a girl," he started, causing her to narrow her eyes at the Malfoy heir. "I thought long and hard and decided it's best you share the room to yourself."

Thank Fate

Nyx nodded, while some of the other boys whined. She gave a satisfied smirk and leaned against the closest wall. "Since I'm the host, I'm not sharing a room with either one of you," Malfoy continued, redirecting his attention to his friends in front of him. "And, uhm, Riddle. Are you going to share a room or not?" He questioned hastily seeming as if he didn't want to acknowledge the brunette in the first place.


Malfoy nodded immediately and went back to the earlier topic.

In the end, it was decided Caelum and Avery together, Rosier and Nott, and the last pair, Lestrange and Mulciber. Everyone seemed fine with the arrangement so Malfoy went up the grand staircase to lead the group to their rooms. When they finally reached the top of the stairs, Malfoy directed them to their rooms. Caelum's room was just opposite from hers. Lestrange's and Mulciber's in the hallway to your right, whilst Riddle's was a bit farther than the rest. Probably so no one would disturb him.

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