Control over the Darkest Arts | 33

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Nyx pushed the door open and to her disappointment, the door was locked. Of course, she didn't expect Riddle to leave the door unlocked for anyone to barge in but it was still a bit disappointing.

She instead shoved her hand into her dress pocket and pulled out her wand. Her fingers wrapped around the wood, and she nonverbally cast the alohomora spell on the lock. A small 'click' could be heard upon her actions, causing a small grin to widen, not quite expecting a simple spell to work against the mighty and powerful Riddle.

Looking around her surroundings again, making sure no one was watching her, she turned the doorknob and walked into the room. Riddle's cologne scent was the first thing to notice. Quickly closing the door behind her and locking the door, she turned back to the mission she had prepared herself for.

Who knew how long it would take until Riddle decided to return, so she needed to act quickly.

Quickly moving over to Riddle's trunk placed at the foot of the bed, she hastily unlocked the trunk and opened it. Quickly going over each object placed in the trunk, she gritted her teeth and picked each of his belongings up, examining the other belongings at the bottom before leaving them in their earlier place. After a few moments of searching in the trunk without a hint of success, she concluded the book she was looking for wasn't in there. So instead, she made sure everything she touched went back to its old position before clicking the trunk shut.

She then moved onto the desk scattered with books and papers lying about untidily. She scanned over each book title that might catch her eye, trying her best not to touch any of the books unless one of the books' covers was laid flat against the desk, making her unable to read the front cover.

After going over every single book and paper, she still hadn't found anything that might relate to the book Riddle purchased some time ago. Sighing in defeat, about to retreat, a thought occurred. As it was her last resort, she was desperate. Hastily pulling her wand out again, she cast revelio over the books and papers laid on the desk, thinking perhaps Riddle charmed the book's title to look a bit less suspicious for people like her to not notice.

And to her satisfaction, she watched as one of the books, placed atop another leather book, cover, and title changed its appearance. She moved closer to get a better look at the book. At once, her curious gaze turned into a disgusted one upon reading the book's title. It read Control over the Darkest Arts, with a gruesome picture of destruction and death for the background.

Swiftly casting a doubling charm, creating a replica of the book she was looking for, she took the original one and replaced it with the fake one, hoping Riddle wouldn't notice the difference. She could try and place a

But just as she was about to exit the room, she heard a loud tapping sound. Thinking it was someone just outside knocking on the door, she jolted and panicked. She could try to place a Disillusionment Charm on herself, but she's never done it before and chances of successfully doing so on the first try were thin. But once she started to calm down and noticed the tapping sound was actually, in fact, not coming from the door, she whipped her head around to where the noise came from.

There, on the windowsill, made her expression lightened up to a wide smile. Running forward to open the window, the cold wind came in, along with a certain intelligent raven as well. "Ravenous, you gave me a fright!" She whispered-yelled at her beloved friend, giving him a scratch on the head whilst the raven leaned into her touch.

Just as she was about to question the bird as to how he knew she was here or why he was there, a real knock sounded on the door, causing her to jump; startled. However, Ravenous seemed to remain calm and hopped around on the windowsill, inclining his head to the outside, as if he was telling her to escape through the window with him.

Looking down at how high up she was, she gulped when seeing they were no less than twenty feet up. But the knocking sound outside was becoming more impatient made her continue her next action, not quite looking forward to getting caught sneaking into someone else's room. She took in a deep breath, holding the book Control over the Darkest Arts close to her before Ravenous jumped off, soaring into the sky, whilst she too, jumped down. But unlike a bird, she couldn't fly, instead, she found herself falling and falling at a fast speed towards the ground, before moving her hands in a quick motion to cast a cushioning charm to reduce the impact.

She sighed in relief for her swift action that might've just saved her life. Although, she didn't quite mind dying, to be honest.

Standing up and dusting herself from the snow, she quickly realized how cold it was outdoors. Now conscious of the cold temperature, she quickly moved to the front doors to enter the manor, back to the warmness it provided.

Finally reaching her room, she hid the book she had earlier stolen under her pillows before heading to the bathroom to freshen herself up and head to bed.

Once she finished bathing in the warm water, she dried herself with a towel before changing into her nightgown, completely discarding the dress she wore earlier that night on the floor, planning to put it elsewhere tomorrow morning when she wasn't tired.

As she locked her bedroom door and was about to head to bed, she heard yet another tapping sound against her window. Smiling at the sight of the raven, she opened the window, welcoming the bird in before quickly shutting the window closed.

She made him a small place to sleep with a soft blanket and set it at the foot of her bed. Ravenous quickly made himself at home before ruffling his feathers to make himself more comfortable and drifting to sleep, closing his eyes. She smiled warmly at her companion before switching the lights off and trudged over to her bed, slipping under the covers and falling into a deep sleep.


A man cloaked in a dark cloak swiftly trudged down the snowing street, his face completely covered from view by the hood over his facial features. His strides were confident and unwavering, giving him a sense of power. Finally stopping by an empty shop he had traveled for, she didn't waste a minute before entering the store.

Even at this late hour, the store owner was still sitting at the counter. He greeted the mysterious man with a small smile but quickly faltered when the unknown man pulled his hood back to reveal his mismatched eyes, his pale skin, and his platinum blonde hair.

The intruder moved forward, causing the owner to only stiffen more, earning a soft chuckle from the mismatched-eyed man.

"We're not going to have any problems if you hand over a book I'm looking for," he stated firmly, his eyes unwavering from the frightened man's form at all.

"Control over the Darkest Arts, familiar with it? I heard the book was sold here, and only here,"

"I-I'm afraid it w-was already p-p-purchased," the man behind the counter stammered out.

"And do you remember who bought it?"

"A-a boy. A Hogwarts student,"

The platinum-haired man was silent for a while, thoughts racing in his head before the cowering man's pleas snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Please, please, don't hurt me," he begged, silent tears running down his old and wrinkled face.

"How unfortunate," was all he said. The owner squeezed his eyes shut just as a blinding green light illuminated from the tip of the others' wand.

The next morning, news broke out about the infamous Gellert Grindelwald's murder of an innocent citizen.

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