Back to Hogwarts | 35

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An irritated-looking man with his bleached-like hair slicked back was standing impatiently in front of a dark wooden door, waiting for the person on the other side to open the door for him to enter.

He had knocked on the door twice already without a reply, earning a frustrated groan from the boy himself. 'Didn't he say to meet me here? Had he forgotten his promise?' He thought to himself, not quite believing Riddle would be late to their small meeting.

Finally deciding to barge in himself in case Riddle was in a situation, where he couldn't unlock the door for him on the other side, he drew his wand out of his pant's pocket and directed its tip to the doorknob, muttering alohomora under him breath before hearing a satisfying click.

However, before he opened the door to reveal Riddle's room on the other side, he heard commotion behind the door, as if something fell harshly to the ground. Shrugging off the thought, he pushed the wooden door open and stepped into the cold dimly lit room.


Abraxas's head whipped to the opened window that had let the cold breeze of the night in. Furrowing his brows, he slowly walked forward to shut the window to keep the room temperature warm. As he was tugging at the window's knob to shut it, he heard a soft rustle in the distance down below. He looked down, causing a few strands of his light-colored hair to fall out of its place, falling beside his face. His cold grey eyes squinting in the dark to see more clearly.

Down below, something moved into the light, causing Abraxas to get a better look at what he was looking at. At first, all he saw was blackness. But then realizing the person he was staring at actually had black hair and wearing a black dress, someone he thought looked all too familiar. Finally, the girl, he presumed by the shape, stood up and brushed her dress to dust off the snow that clung to her.

Suddenly, she started walking back in the direction of the manor, hugging herself to provide her body warmth.

Abraxas watched as the figure retreated before sighing and finally shutting the window, now conscious of how cold it was. He rubbed his hands together to create warmth and let the warmth in his hands spread into his other body parts.

By now, Riddle had yet to show up so he decided to go look for him as he closed the door to his room and locking it while wondering,

What the hell was Nyx Rivers doing down there?


Christmas break had ended, Nyx having said her goodbyes and thanks to her host, and was now currently sitting in one of the train compartments heading back to Hogwarts.

The only people who inhabited the compartment were Caelum and Nyx. Caelum was sleeping silently with a few occasional deep inhales whilst Nyx was leaning against the cold glass pane with a frown fixed on her expression.

Ever since she had decided to take a look at the book she had stolen earlier from Riddle's room, she was left in a dead-end. For what she didn't expect the book to be was— well, blank.

She had tried all the spells that might be able to reveal the book's contents but to no avail. Whatever charm Riddle had placed on the book was doing a good job in protecting its secrets.

She huffed in annoyance, giving the book she stole now disguised as an Advanced Charms book a harsh glare. She wanted with every fiber in her to throw the book harshly into Riddle's face for causing her to feel completely stunned. Never in her life had she failed to get what she wanted— (excluding her real parents, of course,) and it drove her mad.

She wasn't spoiled, no. She was quite the opposite. Growing up, she had to grow up in a harsh environment. A society where she was unwanted, only to finally fit in when she moved in with her foster mother and started her studies in Hogwarts. Although, she couldn't deny how she sort of stuck out with the other students here in school.

When she did however find comfort in her surroundings, she had made a promise to herself to never lose the independence she had relied on in the orphanage.

So now, staring daggers into the book that held all the answers to her unanswered questions, she began to think of all the possible things Riddle might've done to the book.

She furrowed her brows, deep in thought, that was until a sudden sound pulled her out of it.

She looked up from where she was staring at the 'innocent' book to see the man himself who she was frustrated with, sliding open the compartment's door.

Riddle stepped in, ignoring the now snoring Caelum, and sat down beside her, using his foot to lazily slide the door back closed. Nyx eyes him wearily before reaching her hand out to pick up the 'Advanced Charms book' from where it lay, pretending to clear out the space for him. "May I help you?" She asked nonchalantly, earning a smirk from the other. "Is my presence that infuriating?" She scoffed and leaned back against the window, her form fully turned towards him. She didn't respond, only staring straight back at him, silently urging him to speak. "I hope you had a good time at the ball?" He asked, leaning back into his seat while his eyes were still trained on her.

"Not the worst day I had so far," she replied.

"Well, I met Mirage there," his tone now becoming more serious and the playful glint in his eyes disappearing.

"I forgot about her existence to be honest," Nyx commented honestly, forgetting about the suspicious girl ever since she arrived at Malfoy Manor.

"Well, you've better keep a lookout for her now. I saw her there at the ball with an older man. Possibly her father. Her eyes always trained on you," Nyx lifted a brow at that, curious as to why the girl had taken such an interest in her.

"Look, if she tries anything, tell me," he expressed the last two words in a commanding manner, causing Nyx to sigh then suddenly, her mood abruptly changed when she sensed the other boy from across her stirred awake.

Caelum was blinking the last few sleepiness away when Riddle got up, making a move to leave when he halted in his steps caused by the voice behind him.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it," she gave him a playful smirk before quickly looking away to welcome her friend back to reality.

Something within Riddle stirred at the girl's words but was quickly dismissed as he plastered an amused smirk before shutting the compartment's door and heading back to rejoin the Knights of Walpurgis.

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