4x the struggle of trost

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eren moves to cut the back of the colossal titans neck but the steam was too hot but he goes in again and it disappears

"it disappeared..."Athena says looking ahead

''I'm sorry. I let him get away''eren says as he meets us on top

''What are you apologizing for? We couldn't even move-''

''no time for chatting! The wall's been breached. If we don't fix it quickly, the Titans will get in again!''i tell them

''What are you waiting for?! The strategy for handling a Colossal Titan's appearance is already in motion! Return to HQ immediately! Anyone who had contact with it, report every detail!'' a solider yells out and we all head back and get ready for battle

''You recruits have completed training and graduated into proper soldiers! I expect you to actively participate in this operation, too!''

''are you sure you got this athena? this is no joke''i tell her and she nods and as i turn i see eren calming armin down

''The frontline guards are already in combat! There is but one goal in this defensive operation: Defend Wall Rose until every civilian has evacuated! Also, in case you forgot, let me remind you that desertion is a capital offense! Vow on your hearts to devote your lives! Dismissed!'' and with that we run off

''Trainee Ackermann! Trainee smith! You were specially assigned to the rearguard. Come with me'' he says and i nod and walk but mikasa dosen't

''I'll only be in the way there, sir!''

''I didn't ask for your opinion. The evacuation is going slow. We need as many elite guards as possible protecting the civilians''

''but-'' eren headbutts mikasa

''Get real, Mikasa! It's so unlike you to panic! Mankind is on the brink of extinction! No one gives a damn about what you want''

''you're right i lost my head im sorry don't die eren'' she says and i tell him the same before we leave and me and the others began killing titans and protecting the civilians , i see mikasa going after a giant fat titan as he runs towards a group of people

im sure she got it I thought as I then attack and kill 2 more titans

''oh levi would be so proud right now''i whisper to myself as i head to kill another titan. Soon it starts raining and its more harder to kill the titans

as we finish our side i see mikasa heading back to the group so i join behind

''have you seen Eren's unit?''mikasa asks

''no but armins over there''annie says as she points at armin sitting down

''are you guys good?''i ask annie bertholt and reiner and they look at me

''yeah we are hera''bertholt replies and annie gives me some type of weird look

"got something to say Annie?"I ask and she just walks past me

"whatever" I say as I turn and walk towards a sad armin

"what's wrong?"I ask

"our unit, the 34th cadet until... Thomas Wagner, nic tius, Mylius zeramuski, mina Carolina, eren yeager! all five of them have fulfilled their duty and died heroic deaths in battle!" with that my heart sank

"erens dead?"

"I'm sorry, eren died in my stead..I couldn't do anything I'm so sorry" armin says

"have you guys seen Athena?"I ask and they shake their head and I draw my blade out and jump off the roof and fly off in search of my best friend

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