x10 learning the past

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"what is that?" erwin asks as he rides outside the wall with his partner

"it's a baby...."

they look around confused not knowing what to do with the newborn baby right in front of them

"do we report it?"his partner asked as erwin gets off his horse to grab it


"don't tell me your planning on leaving the baby out here?" the man yells

"don't report it too nobody, I'll deal with the problem" erwin tells him

they sneak back inside without nobody suspecting a thing, he quietly takes the new born child back to his place

the beautiful child was in a basket

"what were you doing out there" he whispers as he carefully takes the child out of it's basket and carries her

the baby opens it's eyes and gently grabs erwins finger and he smiles

"I'll keep you safe" he says as he lays the child down beside him waiting for her to fall asleep so he can fall asleep

the next day

erwin walks towards a house where his fathers friend lived , with the child in arms he lightly kicks the door to knock and a man with dark black hair opens the door

"erwin we didn't expect you to come over, welcome in" the man says and he notices the child and his eyes widen

"your child?"

"no, Is your wife home we need to discuss something"

he explains to the couple that he found the baby but couldn't keep it

"do you have a name for her?" the lady asked smiling as she saw the kid

"I want her to carry my last name" erwin says

"why?"the woman asks

"I'm too busy enough to raise her but I don't want to just let her go, raise her by saying I'm her brother" he says and the woman nods

"I'll always protect you hera"

present time

sasha shoots her bow of fire at the barrels which made them explode, gunpowder filled the room as levi nods at us and we began attacking as the rest threw smoke signals

"thirty five enemies! they're gathered behind the pillars, continue as planned, we'll take them all down here" levi yells as I part ways with them and go through the left side

I hid behind the smoke and see 5 men coming and I smile

they were all faced in front of me so I threw my hook towards ahead of me and once they got close I pull myself forward cutting all 5 of them in one swift move

a man appears out of nowhere behind me but athena kills him before I could

we nod and continue with the slaughter

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