5x primal desires

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"are you okay?" I ask mikasa worriedly as I check for any injuries

"no absolutely not" Mikasa says as she pushes me away so I wasent touching her anymore but suddenly I get the wind knocked out as I feel hands grab me


"EREN LET ME GO" I yell but he just roars louder and I yell as I cover my ears

mikasa shoots her 3dm hooks close to erens face


"damn it eren let me go" and with that he throws me hard on the roofs and aims to punch mikasa again

I roll around the roofs roughly, I needed up falling off the last one and I hit the ground hard

"fuck" I yell as I feel bruises forming because of how hard he threw me

I couldn't see anything from where I was at, I was by some ally way of some sort, all by myself

I try getting up but I fall back down in pain, my legs were hurt badly, I felt the pain struck my body

"are you okay?" and turn around to see ian rushing towards me concerned

"I can't walk " I tell him and he nods and quickly picks me up bridal style and takes me towards where Rico and the rest were at on a roof top

"Ian we are retreating, sealing the gate is the least of his worries"

"yeah we have no choice to abandon him" rico says

"we aren't leaving him"I tell her and she looks at me in disbelief

"look what he did to you hera, you still want to stay here?"

"yes I do rico, he's my friend and I'm not leaving him behind"I tell her

"rico squad has the 12 meter class at the reer and mitabi's squad and mine will take the two at the front" Ian tells them


"I'm the one who was appointed leader so shut up and obey, we can't leave yeager unprotected like that! we'll modify the plan until we can recover yeager, we'll protect him from the titans, he holds valuable potential for mankind, we can't give up on him easily and unlike us there's no replacement for him"Ian tells them

"so you're telling me you want to carry on like this, despite losing hundreds of soldiers all for that failure of a human weapon?!" rico yells and I try grabbing her but Ian who's still holding me pulls me back

"that's right, no matter the cost we must continue" Ian says and lays me down on the roof

"you'll be okay here I need to help them" he says and I nod as I grab my leg

I'ma beat your ass eren

after what felt forever of Ian and rico arguing Rico finally accepted and she leaves to guide her squad

"thank you so much squad leader ian" I hear mikasa say from behind us

"ackerman no need for thanks, I admit I was terrified not knowing what you'd do, act freely as planned I'm sure you'll do great"

"yes sir!"

"it's to protect your lover after all" Ian says and with that leaves and Mikasa smiles and looks straight at me making sure I heard and then leaves me

her lover

I then see armin flying through roofs and I get confused

"armin what are you doing here?" I ask and he quickly stops and looks at me concerned

death proof | eren yeagerWhere stories live. Discover now