x12 enemy of my enemy

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flashback eren's pov

"I can't believe you rated me out" I yell at mikasa angrily

"hey guys" I hear a voice from behind and I see the pretty girl I met this morning walking towards us all happy

"hey hera" armin says smiling and my eyes quickly shot at him

"hi armin!"

since when does armin know her?

"you know her?" I ask In a rude tone and armin nods

"just here to say hi but I guess I'll go" she says and my eyes widen

don't go

"don't mind him sit down" armin says and I scoff


"sit next to me" I found myself saying

"huh?" she asks and I mentally face palm myself

why did I say that? I'm so embarrassed

"nevermind" I tell her and face the other way embarrassed

I then felt a presence sit beside me and I turn to look at her smiling at me and a little smile finds itself forming on my mouth

shes really pretty

"so eren what did they say?" armin asks

end of flashback

"all troops! avoid clashing with the armored titan! stay away from him!" erwin yells as reiner began climbing the wall

"that quadrupled type down there is an intelligent titan" erwin says as I stare off at the titan on all fours with some type of luggage on its back

the beast titan then raises its arm and slams his fist on the ground and roars and then a bunch of three meter titans began running and my eyes widen

"erwin Reiner is close what is your damn plan?"I yell out

"dirk squad and malene squad! protect the horses at the gate with klaus squad, levi squad and hanji squad take down the armored titan and employ the thunder spears at your own discretion! achieve your objectives whatever it takes! this moment! this battle! the survival of humanity depends on it! once more for humanity, DEDICATE YOUR HEARTS!" erwin yells

"yes sir!"

"hera!" erwin yells and I stop myself from going with the rest


"do not transform"

"what? why the fuck not"

"only when you think it's right okay? don't transform for something you can handle, unless you can't handle the situation transform" he says and I nod


eren transforms which got the armored titans attention

from afar I watch as the armored titan stares down at erwin

if he touches him it's over ill transform and kill him

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