7x beast titan

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i wake up to people talking and i open my eyes to see miche talking to some woman with short blonde hair

"hello?" I ask and they look at me

"good morning hera" miche says and the lady leaves the room quickly after

"what happened?" I ask trying to remember previous events

"whats the last thing you remember?" he asks and I sat to think, then it all hit me

the female titan

"is eren okay? is he safe?" I ask concerned

"yes he's safe erwin is planning on revealing the female titan with Mikasa and Armin in the city while the rest of you stayed behind"


"everyone is out there if you wanna come out" and with that he leaves the room, as I get up from my bed I didn't feel no type of pain, which was good

I walk out and see reiner bertholt connie and sasha sitting at a table and others at different tables

I sit down and they all turn to look at me

"you okay?" reiner asks and I nod

"I'm not hurt or anything so yeah I'm good"

they continued talking about random things as I stared out the window

"connie if your serious I'll help" reiner says and connie turns confused, as they speak I turn to bertholt since I was sitting next to him

"sooo how are you?" I ask trying to make conversation with him

"i-im good and you?" he asks

"I'm doing fantastic I just wanna get out of this place already" I tell him and he nods and stares at me

"let me tell you about that one time I beat up a garrison officer" I say and he looks at me in utter shock

as I told him the story sasha stands up out of nowhere

"I hear thuds! they sound like footsteps!" sasha yells out and everyone turns to look at her

"get serious sasha, if you're suggesting there are titans here....that'd mean wall rose has fallen" reiner says and sasha gets frustrated

"I'm being serious Reiner! I really hear footsteps" sasha yells out and then the woman with short blonde hair from earlier opens the window beside us

"everyone here?" she asks and we all respond with 'yeah'

"multiple titans 500 meters to the south, they're coming right this way, there's no time for you to gear up, take your horses and evacuate all nearby homes and settlements" she yells and then turns to look at me

"hera miche needs you go up now" she adds as she hands me my odm gear and I nod and quickly put my gear on and fly towards the roof where he was

"hera since your one of the best and erwin clearly told me to watch you your going to be with me understood?" he says and I nod and the woman in blonde flys up

"there are 9 titans in that swarm"

as he and the woman talk I look down to see everyone else getting on their horses

"only when a person stops fighting do they lose, as long as we continue to fight we are not beaten" miche says and looks at me and the woman

soon enough me miche and the woman go on our horses and go with the rest

"as soon as the titans reach the woods we'll split up into four teams of recruits and soldiers alike and then simultaneously scatter in each direction! avoid combat when possible and focus on getting the word out! is anyone familiar with this region?" miche asks

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