x8 traitors

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me mikasa and armin follow hannes

"phil round up the horses" hannes yells out and we all fly towards the trees and he looks at us

"first thing is to find the enemy and let the others know, they should be fleeing from the forest, break!" hannes yells and we all go towards different directions, I fly through the forest searching for eren

"we can't let the enemy know you are a titan they will try and take you away too only transform when it's really needed if not do not hera understand? I'll let you know when you can transform"

damn it erwin it would've been easier running in my titan form , all of a sudden a roar is heard from ahead and I fly faster towards the sound

a titan scream

as I arrive a see a small titan looking around

"YMIR SAY SOMETHING" connie yells out then jumps on her head

"hey ugly we're in a hurry" connie yells and stomps on her head which makes me laugh it I quickly shut up when she stares at me

"is she keeping an eye out for Reiner...." armin whispers and ymir keeps looking around for something

or someone

"somethings not right" I say

"why is she looking at everybody one by one?"

"YMIR! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE ALRIGHT" Krista yells out then in a split second ymir jumps and eats Krista then starts jumping through the trees fast

we all start chasing her through the forest but she was too fast

"it's clearly she's working for reiner she lured us in" armin yells out and another light appears and the armored titan appears and ymir jumps into his shoulder

we stop because there wasn't no trees left to fly on and I see eren on reiners shoulder with bertholt and my eyes fill with rage

as armin mikasa and jean stared I go back to get on my horse and chase after him, behind me were the rest and we start catching up to reiner because he wasn't going that fast

"this time I won't hesitate, I'll kill them both" mikasa yells out

"if ymir gets in the way she's asking for it too because I won't hesitate either " I yell and mikasa looks at me and nods agreeing

as we catch up mikasa hooks her gear next to eren but ymir grabs it and throws mikasa on the ground

I hook my gear to ymirs eye blinding her and eren's eyes widen as he looks at me but bertholt moves and makes reiner protect them from being taken

I see mikasa looking through a little hole through reiners hand and ymir tries squishing me but I move away making mikasa hook her gear towards ymir

krista jumps in front of ymir making mikasa move out

"mikasa why did you stop!" I yell out

"please don't kill ymir" krista yells out

"what will it be? I'll kill everyone that gets in my way so choose" mikasa yells out

"wait! ymir will be killed unless she does what reiner and bertholt say! she doesn't have a choice! " krista yells out

"there's only so many lives that I actually care about, my enemies made deciding that easy six years ago so you're mistaken to seek any compassion from me because right now I'm all out of time and room in my heart to care. krista do you pick eren or ymir which is it because me and hera won't hesitate to kill ymir" mikasa says looking directly at krista

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