x19 kill your enemy

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I walk down towards the cells where everyone was at, yelena and onyankopon were there right now telling them about zekes plan

Once I reached them I heard bullshit

"griez I see selling us out earned you a promotion to yelenas lapdog, you traitorous snake!" niccolo yells

"are you stupid? you're the one who sided with the demons and betrayed us, aren't you? you couldn't tear your eyes away from that demonspawn potato girl" griez says and I grit my teeth

I was standing far from them, they wouldn't be able to see me from where I was at, slowly I began putting bullets in my gun

"ILL KILL YOU!" niccolo yelled

"I got so sick of listening to you prattle on about her every night, I was a fool to think that whores death would wake you up! I'll make this simple for you! That whore was a filthy dem-" but before he could finish that sentence I shot him in the head

screams were heard from cell and I walked towards them making my presence known

"hera?" onyankopon asks in shock

"he had it coming the way he was speaking about sasha" I tell him as I put the gun back around my waist

"did you explain?" I ask yelena and she shakes her head

I grab a chair and sat myself down as yelena explained everything about zekes plan

after what felt like forever, yelena finished and armin began to even cry at it, yelena being yelena thought he was actually crying tears of joy, but me on the other hand I knew he was manipulating her, I've known him for years to already know his tricks

But before I could even say anything a man comes in running

"yelena! miss smith! we have invaders!" The man yelled and with that I get up and run up the stairs with yelena

fucking shit

"there heading towards that building with eren ma'am " a man yells at me and I nod as does yelena as we march up waiting on eren and the "invader"

once I hear footsteps I open the door and come face to face with my sister and gabi


"what are you doing here?" I ask as I walk towards her with my hands behind my back

"here to help" she says and I scoff


"according to her she can point out where the rest of her allies are at" eren says and I look at him and look back at pieck who's walking towards the edge of the building

"eren it's too dangerous to trust that woman" yelena says and for once I agree

"yeah she doesn't trust us either" eren says as he walked towards pieck, I followed behind him

"come to think of it, you still haven't used the founders power yet have you? where's zeke?" Pieck asks turning around

"you'll see soon enough" I tell her

"now point them out, where is the enemy?" eren asks and I see blood pouring out his finger and my eyes widen

he thinks she's lying

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