X15 the other side

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we began walking towards some type of ally and we stopped

"zeke will be here in a couple of minutes do you think you can stay on plan?" He asks and I nod

"I'll keep my raging plan on killing him for you" I tell him and places a soft kiss on my lips

soon enough zeke walks over to us and I calm myself down before anything happens

"well look who it is" he says as he looks at me and I squeeze erens hand to calm myself

"zeke, she's on board with the plan" eren says and zeke looks at me surprised

"oh don't look at me like that just be happy I'm with you guys" I tell him and he laughs

"so your betraying your poor friends?" Zeke asks but before I could say anything eren steps up

"just accept it already" eren says and zeke nods

"fine fine we gotta get you on plan" zeke says and looks at me

"my sister, what's her name" I say and zeke stops

"I'm glad you know because now I don't got to go on a whole fucking story about it , her names pieck" he says

"pieck? what type of name is that?" I ask confused

"she's also a titan so yeah there's something you guys can bond about" he says and my eyes widen


"yeah she was the titan that is on four legs, the one who I was on top of when we were there 3 years ago" he says and that's when it hit me and all the excitement went away

oh fuck this shit

eren notices my mood change and pulls me to the side

"hey hey look at me baby, I know you want to destroy them but we can't, not yet anyway" he says grabbing my face and I nod

"I want to meet her" I tell him and he nods and then looks at eren

"when are you leaving?" He asks and eren looks at me and looks back at zeke

"Where you going?" I ask and turn around to face him

"I have to give the word out to floch about the plan" eren says and I nod

"so when are we leaving?" I ask and he shakes his head

"you are staying, you need to get closer to pieck and her friends so they think you betrayed eren and everyone else okay? It's not up for discussion" zeke says and I scoff and look at eren and my face drops

"I'll be back soon okay? zeke will give me the location on where you would be staying, i won't be long" he says as he grabs my face and plants a kiss on my lips

"okay come on we need to get a story" zeke says as he separates us and I grab my arm back

"don't touch me" I yell and he rolls his eyes but motions me to follow him, I give eren one last kiss before we part ways

"okay so plan is, you ran from paradis because you found out about pieck and that made everyone mad so they basically "kicked you out" they'll believe it because they think everyone there is a demon, it's gonna take awhile to get Reiner convinced don't you think?" he asks and I stop


"I honestly forgot about his existence" I tell him and he shakes his head

"Okay so my names Hera smith and I wanted to know more about my family and why I got there but everyone thought it was a horrible idea but I didn't care so I betrayed them and came here" I say and he nods

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