x23 loving him

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I transform and quickly launch myself at a titan who was running towards Levi, quickly biting off its nape making it vanish in seconds

I began helping reiner with the titans we was fighting, one began too detach my leg off me but Reiner quickly grabbed the titan and threw it towards mikasa, which she quickly killed with a thunder spear

a titan throws itself towards Reiner but before I could more titans began to run towards me making it almost impossible for me to kill them all, steam began to erupt on top of us and we look up and my eyes widen at the face I was staring at


his hand reached down to grab reiner, once he grabbed it I launched myself towards his arm but with his other hand he began to squish my titan

I felt my nape getting cut open and I turn to see Levi quickly taking me off my titan before bertholt could kill me

he then turned his attention back to Reiner and began to raise him towards his mouth

"REINER" we all yelled but it was too late, bertholt bite his head off, his arm went back and my eyes widen at the action

he threw Reiner to where we were at and the impact of the throw made us all fall down, my head began to hurt and I felt dizzy, eyes barely open as someone was grabbing onto my body, I felt blood trickling down my face

the person holding me began to fly at full speed, making me jolt my eyes awake as I see a giant snake type titan infront of me, I look up and see levi cutting the titan but the titan quickly bit Levi's leg making him lose balance and fall down

"LEVI" I yell out, but connie comes in flying and grabs Levi before he could fall, but once he grabbed levi he let go of my body as he felt weak

I scream down in horror as I was falling down since I had no gear on me whatsoever, I then felt a sting on my leg and my body jolted

I look up and see Athena threw her odm gear at my leg so I wouldn't keep falling , it was far deep in my leg and I hissed in pain as I looked at it

I turn to the side and see jean holding on to reiner and was basically in the same position as me, we couldn't leave

"GRAB ON" I heard from behind and I felt myself get pushed up and I quickly grabbed into some type of rope tightly as I look around and see falco...flying

"listen I didn't think he'd really be able to fly either but then he actually did it so what choice did I have but to come? still I'm glad I did" I heard someone say and I turn and face annie as she looked around us

as Reiner scolded gabi I looked down at my leg and began to wince at the sight of it, connie and Levi noticed and their eyes widen as I began to reach down

"are you going to actually pull it out of you?" athena asks and I nod

"I can't just have this shit on my leg IT HURTS" I yell and she nods

I grab it and breathed in and out and I closed my eyes and once I opened my eyes back I ripped it off my leg and I let out a painful scream which got everyone's attention

"she's bleeding a lot captain" athena says as she reached down and looked at my wound

"where's arm- I mean pieck?" Annie asks mikasa

"armin was captured and his life is in danger, the titan that took him should be back by the tailbone, Annie we need your help" mikasa asks

"your childhood friends are always getting captured aren't they? we'll get him back count on it, what about pieck?"annie asks

"she by the skull, she tried to blow up the nape but the warhammer titan is blocking her" I tell her and she looks at me and notices my eyes weren't red anymore and nods

"we'll launch simultaneous operations" levi says and everyone looks at him

"one group rescues armin, we need the colossal's explosion, the other group goes after eren and attacks the nape, we'll split into two teams and strike simultaneously, we no longer have the luxury of worrying about eren, we never had it to begin with" levi says as he avoided eye contact with me

"levi....but-" I start but cut off

"but what? falco being able to fly was a miracle, without that we'd already be dead" connie yelled at me as I felt my heart beat faster

"yeah and never have accomplished anything" jean says


"I had a long list of shit to tell that idiot off about..fuck!" Levi yells out

"I don't wanna give up on eren either! but the captain can't fight anymore because of me and even if he could we're up against the founding titan! how can we win if we're still holding back?" connie yells out and I look down as my eyes began to water

"hera....our only choice...is to kill eren..."jean says as he stares down as I look up at him as I felt my breath leave my body

those words felt like someone just stabbed through my heart, my vision was blurry and my mind closed off as i stared off at eren

"hera...hera...HERA!" A voice brought me back to reality as they grabbed onto my shoulder

"you just concentrate on rescuing armin!" She yells but notices the tears in my eyes and looks at me with wide eyes

"don't think about anything else" she says and I wipe the tears off with my and nod

"why'd you look at me like that" I ask

"your eyes....they turned red for a second but went back to normal" she says and with that falco turns back around towards erens titans

"I'm still bonded with him. i still have the need to protect him" I tell her

"I understand but we still have to-"

"YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, I LOVE HIM ANNIE, I FUCKING LOVE HIM AND I WANT HIM BACK ALIVE" I yell and everyone stared at me not knowing what to say to me

"you love him...after everything he's done?" gabi asks as she looks at me

"I love him with everything I have in me, you only know him as this monster but I don't. I know how sweet and pure he is" I tell her as I wipe my eyes


"I don't wanna hear it" I tell her and she nods and looks away

"let's just focus on getting armin back" mikasa says as she avoids eye contact with me

"hera" a voice says and I turn and see Athena looking at me sad


"I'm sorry"

"for what?" I ask confused

"all the things I said, I didn't mean it at all I was just upset you left me, you and floch abandoned me" she says

"I'm sorry for abandoning you Athena" I tell her and hug her quickly and she hugs back as tears drop from my eyes

"if I do something stupid and risk my life, don't save me, I want you to keep living a good life okay?" I tell her and she pulls away quickly

"don't start saying shit like that hera" she says

"I'm willingly giving my life up for eren if I have too, I love him so much, he understands me more then I thought, his soul is literally connected to mine and the love I have for him is so infinite, I don't want to lose him Athena" I tell her and she gives me another hug

if I have too I'll sacrifice myself, if I have too ill do anything to save my friends that I call family, if do anything for them

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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