#1 - Flog Gnaw

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Dom is nervous before his return to Camp Flog Gnaw (true story lmao)

You look to the right as your best friend points at Willow.

"Stop it!" you laugh smacking her hand down. "That's rude!"

"But she's literally right there! What the fuck?!" she exclaims, proving her case.

"I know, and she's so pretty!"

You follow Dominic and his team up the steps to the side of the stage, watching his head full of hair turn left and right, giving a thumbs up to assure everyone he's listening. He steps a little closer toward the crowd as the team finishes getting ready, about to get into their routine huddle. You see him look up into the sky then close his eyes as he prepares to take deep breaths.

"Hey," you say placing a hand on his back, causing him to jump a little. "My bad, my bad, you good? I'm so excited, you haven't been back in so long!"

"Nah no, you're good," he shakes his head reassuringly. "I think I'm nervous? Am I nervous? Holy fuck I'm nervous!" he laughs awkwardly. "Ahh, it's fine. It's good! Nervous is good! Shit!"

He looks around like he's lost something, and you hand him a water bottle. "My girl," he sighs and smiles relieved, "always know what I need." He kisses your forehead and takes a sip.

"You're fucking incredible! You got this baby, you killed Coachella and it'll be the same here. Okay?" you nod at him. He smiles and nods back before taking another sip.

You knew not to worry about him but it was hard seeing him all worked up, pacing back and forth, taking breaths that puffed up his chest then filling his cheeks with air to blow out. You decided to give him a little alone time before the team was huddled and he stepped out in front of thousands of people. Even a nervous wreck, he was so fine. His hair had gotten much longer on tour and now his curls stretched down and framed the sides of his face. Once everyone had gotten together and was ready to get into their places, you stepped where Dom had previously been pacing to watch. He checked his in-ears again, and walked up next to you to get a good luck kiss.

"Love you," you say before he pulls away.
"Love you too" he smiles against your lips before giving you one more peck then steps away, obviously still uneasy.

The cameraman comes on the other side of Dom as the lights go down, he had called his mom just before they'd dimmed. The crowd began to roar as the camera showed the Facetime on the stage screens, and he hung up and walked out. The screaming continued as he was still shaking his arms out and bouncing around on stage to kick his last bit of nerves.

"Let's go Dom!" you yell from the side.

"Aight, aight, aight, aight" he steps up to the mic and How Much Is Weed begins...

To Be Continued


Lmk how you feel ab this one! Can't believe he was actually nervous, the different versions were so goood. My writing will get better once I get back in the hang of it, pt 2 will be smut <3

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