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tagged: dominicfike

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tagged: dominicfike

tagged: dominicfike

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tagged: prettiestplayer_

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tagged: prettiestplayer_

tagged: prettiestplayer_

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Liked by dominicfike and othersyouruser The rules I live by are simple; drink something green, wear something green, ask bf too many questions, go on a boat 🧚🏾

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Liked by dominicfike and others
youruser The rules I live by are simple; drink something green, wear something green, ask bf too many questions, go on a boat 🧚🏾

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prettiestplayer_ but never been a simple girl! 👑
| youruser @/prettiestplayer IKDR

user1 @/dominicfike buy her the boat
| dominicfike @/youruser 👀

user2 invented lime green💚

dominicfike tell them you don't share your matcha
| youruser @/dominicfike 😳

user3 4th pic is perfection!!

Rockstar Bf - Dominic Fike OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now