#10 - Pinky Promise (S)

638 13 16

⚠️ Warning: smut ft light choking + spanking + rough towards the end
Dis a lengthy one! More busy bf Dom™️
"Alright man, that sounds good," Dominic said tiredly as he loosely held his phone in his hand. It seemed like he'd done nothing but go back and forth between screens all day. Facetime calls back to back and Zoom meetings in the afternoon, all about press and pressure for an album he was nearly done with but had somehow got caught up in the task of starting another. His last call of the night was ending with the person on the line telling him to relax and enjoy his next day off for a while.

You knew your better half had a lot on his plate, you knew his career was priority, you knew he was still trying to find his life-work balance. Nonetheless, it was hard not to feel like an afterthought lately. Even your own obligations made it seem like you just couldn't make time to connect. You struggled with how to address the issue because you knew how much he'd take it to heart. The struggle was evident in petty little things you'd started, like stealing his favorite clothes from his closet and moving stuff from where he placed it. Harmless fun that was obviously starting to get on his nerve. You didn't want to be so childish but whining about the lack of attention you were getting seemed way worse. Of course you told him that you missed him, he missed you too. But today you were in the same house and had your heads down so much that you hadn't really said anything to each other than "good morning."

Even when you were swamped, there were moments you'd share that seemed to have slipped away. Taking deep breaths together in between meetings, coffee/tea before the chaos starts, or even little grabs and nudges while you pass through the kitchen. Part of you felt it was just a phase and part of you feared you were losing your spark. Deep down you knew you just needed a moment together, and the perfect idea came to you at random. It felt so corny, but you really thought he'd like it. You got out a few candles for the bathroom and turned the water on before you went to eagerly ask Dominic: "Wanna take a bath?"

He looked over his shoulder from the couch. "Like, together?" he chuckled.

"Yea, why not? I'll have a glass of wine, you tell me how much you hate interviews, and we can... get close, ya know?"

His face perked up, "yeah." Then frowned, "fuck yea!" He got up and made his way over to you at the start of the hallway. "I really miss you, is that weird to say? Because we've been here all day?" He pauses as you shake your head no. "So much," he says and snakes his hands around your hips, planting a few pecks on your forehead. He rests his head atop yours, making small circles on your back with his thumbs to relax you. It'd been way too long since he held you like this.

"Let's go baby," he leaded the way to the restroom and stopped in the doorway. "Damn, this is really nice. Look at you lighting candles and shit," he laughed.

"It's not too much? Tell me if you hate it and I'll get rid of it and turn the light on I swear," you said embarrassed.

"Not even," he looks down at you. "It's perfect."

You went to pull your shirt off and he stopped you. "Nah I got it, come here." He closed the toilet cover and took a seat, gesturing you to walk over. He gently lifted your hem to assist you then ran his fingers down your torso. "You're so pretty," he smiled and looked up as he began unbuttoning your jeans. Once they'd got past your thighs he started kissing just above your pantyline, caressing your sides. You fought the urge to take him right there. "Go get in, I'm right behind you," he said taking his shirt off, and of course he didn't forget to slap your ass the second you turned around.

Before he joined you, he disappeared to the kitchen and came back with your wine. "Your favorite." He handed over the glass, undressed, and decided to take the spot opposite of you. Once he settled in, he massaged your feet gently and asked about work.

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