#11 - Capricorn All Day

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My first blurb! Here's how Dom would fit into the traits for his sign as a lover ♑️

• Protective
And, in his own words, even a little jealous. He'll constantly ask if you're ok when you've been drinking on a night out, making sure to keep an eye on you on the dance floor while he chats in the corner with his friends. Yea, he wanted to make sure you weren't too wasted but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't checking to make sure guys weren't pushing up on you. If he ever was envious, he was quick to pack on the PDA or simply interrupt whoever it was that was failing to flirt with you. Honestly, he preferred you stay close to him so people know what's up but he didn't want to seem clingy. He enjoyed seeing you do your thing and charm the room.

• Always willing to give you advice
Even though he comes off as a "do what you want, you got free will" type of guy, he liked that he could be a confidant for you. It made him feel like you trust him, and being a stubborn Earth sign he knew how hard that could be. Capricorns tend to be very logical, and he couldn't help wanting to fix your problems. He may let you rant a bit, but the conversation always led to the next steps you'll take or him asking if he can do anything to make it better. He didn't want to come off pushy or judgmental, but he made it clear when he felt the answer was simple and at times would give his opinion unasked for.

• Intentional about including you in his daily life or future plans
Cap men are notorious for this trait when they're in love being they can be so strict with routine and focused on work. It shows they're into you and ready to open up. You were the first person he showed his summer festival plans when he got it. He got super giddy when you started moving around your schedule to make it out to most of them, this let him know you value your time together and his commitment to his career. Even so early in the year, he began to make plans for you to come to Naples for Christmas.

• Love languages: acts of service, gift giving
This goes back to giving advice, him wanting to make your life as peaceful as he could. Whether it be acting as your chauffeur, taking your list to run errands, or getting things done around the house (even if he has to pay someone else to do it) he'll do whatever you need to make things less stressful. If his partner had an issue and he didn't hold their hand through it, he felt he wasn't doing his job. He didn't give gifts much, but he made sure it was something you'd love. An Earth sign boyfriend is more likely to give you something thoughtful that he knew you needed versus something flashy. He may pay attention to things you're running out of or glance over your shoulder while you're on your laptop to peek at your Amazon wishlist. Capricorn men care a lot about their money, so they want to get loved ones stuff they're sure to cherish.

He is sooo stereotypical Capricorn to me🫢 Hope yall like this one, I have one more blurb idea

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