#8 - Spotted

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This one is a little wordy, fake deep about fame & paparazzi lol

It was easy to forget that your partner was always seconds away from a viral moment online, performed around the world, and is in a show with none other than Zendaya. His name was recognized everywhere and his face had been plastered across billboards, but to you he was just Dominic. People expected full transparency from him, even your own friends wondered why he hadn't made a post about you or started blabbing about you in interviews. But it was you who'd asked him to take things slow with shouting your name from the rooftops. You needed to know this was the real thing before your more laidback, private world got collided with his very public, and at times hectic, one.

Being him, he couldn't completely hide you away. There were little easter eggs only his fans would catch, and a few pictures of matching manicures and hoodies here and there to let it be known he was taken. Now the obsession became who, who exactly is he seeing? And where do they hang out? Which of his famous friends do they hang out with? His talent and hard work was sometimes overshadowed by a small fraction of his audience that halfheartedly cared about the music, like most artists, and it was probably your least favorite part of his job. You had to admit the festival passes and free merch were pretty sick though.

After a terribly long week, you and Dominic took a few friends out to Malibu and rented a beach house. For the most part it was calm, just the usual group coming up every now and then for pictures. You and your best friend would step to the side and chuckle about not really knowing what to do in that situation.

"I feel bad," they laughed. "Do we take the picture for them or...?"

"No, no," you said confused. "Right? Wait, no let them have their moment."

You brushed it off and shook your head, glad to have someone to understand how awkward it could be. It was your first time dating someone famous and the people in your circle didn't really get it either, but they loved Dom!

"Dude!" your friend perks up. "Remember when this first happened at the restaurant in Florida? That girl came up while we were eating–"

"She thought you were gonna punch her!" you burst out laughing, causing the small crowd around Dom to look your way. 

"I didn't know, ok?!" they tilt their head back defeated. "I was all like 'Um hello?! What the fuck girl, we don't know you!' Scared the shit out of her and she just wanted her phone case signed," the cackling continued.

"You don't play about your food bro, she didn't even know she interrupted an intimate moment with you and that burger." You shake your head and look over your shoulder to see a pair in the crowd still looking and whispering. "Ok we gotta stop, they'll think we're crazy," you tell your friend. You share a look and the laughter starts again.

About an hour later you and Dom decided to walk on the beach alone, you hadn't really had a moment to yourselves all weekend. You took your time, being touchy-feely as you walked along the shore. He was a bit more into PDA than you, but you didn't mind. He just wanted to connect, some hand holding, arm around your shoulder while you looked out at the ocean, and a little ass grab every now and then. Even if you weren't all over his Instagram, he still wanted to show off his girl.

The next morning, your phone dings back to back as you and your friend are in the kitchen. Their partner just sat at the island "helping," while they actually did the work and mumbled irritated as they flipped over pancakes.

"You know the guys should be cooking for us," they say to you lowly as you pour a cup of coffee. You barely even giggle before they interrupt. "I'm serious. Like I'm joking, but I'm serious. And what's up with your phone? Make it stop pleaseee. I'm hungover, I can't with that noise bro"

"Ugh, I don't know!" you walk over to grab your phone from the island. "What the hell? Did you post about the beach and tag me or something?"

"Nope! Remember, no social media for me this weekend. I did pretty good, huh?" they asked proudly.

"Aw yea, your right! Good hun, you did great," you tapped a notification and tilted your head. "Doesn't explain all these followers though," your friend walks over with their hand out to investigate. They're quiet for a few minutes, taking a second every now and then to look up at you worried.

"DOMINIC," they yell and bolt through the hallway towards your room and you follow closely, questions spewing from your brain.

"Woah man, what if I was naked in here?" Dom asks as your friend bursts through the door.

"Wh- why wouldn't you just lock... nevermind, LOOK," she puts the phone in his face.

The saga continues as he scrolls quietly for a few minutes, taking a second every now and then to look up at you worried.

"Jeez, someone tell me what's going on!" you exclaimed anticipating the worst. Dom hands the phone over with raised eyebrows. What's revealed is a bunch of tweets with paparazzi photos of you guys attached. Some people had an opinion and some just wanted to spread the news like wildfire. "Oh no... NO," you flopped on the bed next to Dominic face down. "These are all on my bad side! You guys," you turn over to see your friend's head in their hands. "I'm serious! Not only did we not get to choose how we wanna reveal it, THESE are the photos?"

Your friend rolled their eyes. "Ok whatever you know you're gorgeous, but I wanna know who leaked our location. Let's go on a rampage and find these bitc-"

"Hold on, hold on," Dom interrupted. "We don't want another phone case situation, also rampage? This isn't Mission Impossible."

They stood there offended. "Number one, I... didn't... know... she... wanted... an autograph," they paused in between their words for effect. "Number two, okay you're right. I'll leave you alone so you guys can deal with it. I'm in the kitchen if you need me, or if y'all actually wanna go on the rampage?" they looked back and forth between you and Dom. "No? Fine you guys are boring!"

"Quiteee the character that one is," he said once they close the door. "You good?" he took the position you were in, laying on the bed facing the ceiling.

"Yes, I mean no but yes. I don't know, I just wish we had done it when we wanted to you know?" you turn your head and face him, he meets your eyes and nods.

"I know baby. I'm sorry, really."

He rolls over on his side to face you and pushes the hair out of your face. "It's not your fault, you know I don't blame you right?" you ask, he shrugs. "I know how you get. You can't fix everything Dominic, I understand you can't control all of this shit."

He places a few gentle pecks on your lips, giving you an eskimo kiss before he pulls back. "Well," he takes a deep breath and stands, "guess we're public! Wanna go to this premiere next week?"


Hope yall liked it! This one had to grow on me, and I do have an idea a new idea but what might we want next, something fun? Something spicy? Angsty? Lmk❣️

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