#2 - Flog Gnaw PT 2 (S)

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Warning: ⚠️  Smut ahead ft. you choking Dom and some praise

Tensions rise after Dominic performs at Flog Gnaw

"Oh my god!" your best friend exclaims as Dominic makes his way to you on the side.  "He was amazing! Tell him he was amazing!" she whips her head back and forth between you and him as she speaks.

"You were amazing!" You mock as you mimic her hand movements, she gives you light push on the arm. "Cmon you're right!," you respond.   "He knows you're right." You look him up and down and share a lingering stare. It's something about him on stage that really gets you going, maybe it was his voice or his confidence or the joy that radiates from him. Maybe it was a combination of all three.

"Ok ew, I'm leaving," she turns with a disgusted look. "Great job though Dom, seriously! Dont almost fall next time tho."

He laughs, shakes his head, and puts his face in his hands. "I can't believe that fucking happened," he looks up. "Other than that good, right?"

"More than good!" you emphasize grabbing his hand to follow the team off the stage. "Incredible."


You follow Dom into the house, relieved to get off your feet. "Holy shit, it's so hot in here. You left the heater on when you went to Europe?" He shakes his head annoyed and makes his way toward the thermostat.

"Yea, yea, yea," he taunts. As he reaches out to change the temperature, he turns his head to see you in the fridge bent over to peek at what's he's got. "Probably cooler in the bedroom," he suggests.

"You would say that," you respond. He didn't have to see your face to know it was accompanied by an eye roll.

As you close the fridge, he comes up behind you and runs his hands down from your waist to your hips, lowering his head closer to your ear. "Well I don't know let's see."

He peppered kisses along your shoulder as you walked down the hallway, nearly stumbling over his own feet due to his excitement. You were only able to come to the London stop on tour, and your schedules had clashed so much within the last week you'd barely seen each other. It'd be nice for him to take a break and just be around you for a while.

He guided you through his room and admired as you took your clothes off, kissing down your torso as you pulled your shirt over your head. You watched from the edge of the bed as he stripped down, making eye contact between every item he took off.

"I miss you," he said before smashing his lips onto yours.

"I can tell," you joked. "Me too. Show me."

That command always seemed like a challenge he needed to concur, the words essential to getting him riled up. Just like he said, you're his girl, you always knew what he needed.

By now Dominic was on his knees, sliding your panties off and pushing your legs back. He looks up at you as he kisses your clit for the first time in a while, making you moan louder than you expected.

"Mhm" he hums, drawing small circles on your clit with his tongue as he used his arm to hold your hips down. He started out slow and sped up the pace every so often, driving you wild and causing you to grip the sheets. He stops right before you cum for him.

"Mmm," you protest and pout.

"I know, I know," he comforts. "But I'm not done with you yet."

You look in his eyes as he stands up, stroking his member. You nod, giving him permission to have what he's wanted since he saw you get dressed for the festival this morning. His lips touch yours as he slides in, taking a moment to get you adjusted to his size. You can't help but get louder as he thrusts in and out, going faster as he uses your sounds as motivation. He grabs one of your hands and places it on his neck.

"A little harder baby... just like that," he closes his eyes as you grip tighter like he asked.  "Fuck!" you could tell he was getting closer, but nothing was stopping him from that challenge. He picked up the pace as his sweet sounds filled your ears, signifying he was towards his end. "My pretty fucking baby. Shit you feel so good," he says while he pulls out and flips you on your side.

"Dom," you moan as he pushes in again

"Mhm, say my name. Your so fucking good for me, tell me your my good girl."

"I'm your good girl!"

"Good, good, good," he says thrusting faster.

You moan in harmony as you come closer, each stroke getting more intense. As he feels you throbbing around him, he coaxes you in a gentle voice through your orgasm.

"Perfect, you're perfect" he praises. "Relax ma, take your time. Let it happen, I got you."

He makes sure to slow down to feel your every pulsation and watch your eyes roll into the back of your head. "So pretty for me, look at you wow," he carefully pulls out and brings his attention back to your neck, cautiously caressing you as he kisses his way up to your ear.


"That kinda proves it, yea?" he asks. You laugh at his smugness and he continues to tend to your body. He could be so rough, but was always gentle at the very end.

"Let's clean you up"


I had fun writing this! Let's see what's next👀

edit: I changed a few things around, hope yall like ittt

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