#9 -Shut Up & Drive

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short and stupid, hope you like it!!

Dominic walked over as you chose a helmet with your favorite color from the designated rack. You had planned a fun day to get out the house after being hermits for the last couple weeks, starting with go karting.

"You ready to lose?" he asked half-jokingly, patting you on the head. "Cause I'm not doing dishes."

"First of all, I'm gonna beat you so bad you'll never wanna drive again. Second, touch my hair one more time and you're dead," you poke at his sides, causing him to stumble back.

"Woah woah, sounding real serious there. Sorry it's just so pretty," he beams, causing you to blush.

You shake your head. "Nuh uh, no charming me, you were in the kitchen last anyway. Let's make it interesting and add laundry plus..." you take a moment to think. "A hundred bucks!"

"Pfft, a hundred bucks?" he raises his eyebrows.

"Yea run those pockets superstar, you got it," your command is met with laughter from a few feet away. You spin to your left and see your eavesdropping best friend.

"Oh, um... totally wasn't listening to your conversation the whole time."

Dominic rolls his eyes. "You're on," he holds out his hand. You reach out to shake it then quickly pull away.

"Sikeee!" you run off to the karts as your best friend supports you with "oooh's" in the background.

"This is stupid," they say as you walk over to choose your kart. "You guys don't take turns? Or maybe hmm, just make him do it? You're pretty, he should be doing whatever you want him to anyway," they shrug.

"I love the way your brain works, but honestly it makes it more fun. Plus there's no way he's beating me. I mean cmon now, who won all the races on your birthday?" they high five you.

"You got this babes, oh look here's your color!"

As your group strapped in, the track attendant explained the rules and told you there was 10 minutes to complete the race. Before you get the cue to go, you glance over at Dom.

"Hey!" he yells over the motors. "Don't forget to separate my white clothes," he flips you off and speeds ahead.

"Motherfucker!" you follow closely behind him, in disbelief you let him distract you.

When one of you took the lead the other wasn't far behind, you went back and forth between first and second place.  It seemed the closer the race came to its end, the more competitive you guys got. Within the last 60 seconds you were neck and neck, then out of nowhere Reed swerves in front of both of you and takes the crown.

Once parked back at the starting line, the attendant came out eagerly. "Alright, we have a winner! Did you guys have fun?"

"NO," you and Dom say in unison, causing the group to start teasing you about being sore losers. "Who cares about 1st anyway?" you ask annoyed.

"Everyone," Reed laughs.

"It's 2nd we care about, who was 2nd?" you turn to the attendant.

"Looks like you guys were tied!"

"Aww, boo hoo," your best friend chimes in, snickering.  "Looosersss, ha ha!"

"You know what's even funnier?" Dom looks at them. "You having to find a ride home."

"Loooserrr, ha ha!" you chime in. Dom draped his arm around your shoulders and headed toward the door.

"Not funny, take it back..." they're met with silence. "Take it back! If I have to take an Uber I'll sue for emotional distress!"


Here's something funnn, we'll get angsty or smutty next 🫶🏾

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