#13 - Jester PT2 (S)

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⚠️Warning: short and smutty power play ft a 69 moment, rough riding, begging, and edging

In which she makes him change his tone🫢

"Take your clothes off Fike."

He's taken aback, but immediately obliges. "Yes ma'am," he chuckled, making sure to keep eye contact as he followed your order.

You let your hair down as he settles in on the bed, realizing his briefs are still on. "I said all your clothes tsk," you shake your head. "You're gonna make this harder than it needs to be, huh?"

"Oh, I just thought-"

"Do. Don't say. The more you talk back the longer it'll take for you to cum." You trace the tattoo on his abdomen as you set the rules. "That's what you want?"

"...No ma'am." He eagerly removes his underwear, excited to see you take initiative. The game had taken an unexpected turn and he wanted to let you take the lead, but he was so hard he didn't know how much longer he could keep it going. Between your body in the lingerie, the attitude you gave him, and the sultry tone of your voice he thought he may burst... what did he get himself into?

"Don't go letting this get to your head," he says. "I'll let you have your fun but we both know who's in charge baby."

His cockiness added fuel to your fire. "Uh huh, sure," you laughed. You didn't know what was up with him and couldn't even tell if you liked it or not, but you had to commit to the bit. Admittedly, you wanted to feel him on top of you talking his shit, but now he'd never get the chance. He wanted to play, and now you're gonna make sure you win. "So what I'm hearing is you don't wanna cum at all? Did we forget the rules already or...?" you smirked, sounding a little condescending on purpose. If you wanted him to take you seriously, you had to meet him where's he at. You needed to be just as smug as he'd been all day.

He sighs as you grab his shaft and start to stroke slowly. "Lean back for me." He looked as if he was preparing to take over at any moment, not realizing he wouldn't get to at all. You spit on his tip and let him slowly glide into your mouth, relishing in the sounds he made as you pick up the pace. You stop once you feel a hand on your head. "My way, my speed," you kiss your teeth. "Now we gotta start over." This time you focus on his scrotum, your hand massaging slow circles as he squirms. You move your head to suck on one side while your fingers move faster on the other. "You ready to behave?" He nods at the question, clearly still ready to pounce.

His eyes scan your body as you take off your panties and begin to kiss up his torso. He grew more and more impatient with each touch of your lips. "Just a little bit. I'll fuck you so good, I swear," he pleads. "Mm," you shake your head. "I don't think you've learned your lesson yet." You leave a peck on his lips, "you are gonna taste me tho." He had little time to prepare for you turn around and bring your waist to his face, it felt good to tell him what to do for once. He dove in as you put him into your mouth again. It's almost as if he thought that if he ate you out well enough he could have his control back. With his tongue moving back and forth in between your folds and sucking on your clit, you could hardly focus on giving him head yourself. Your moans filled the air as you continued with both hands on his dick, loving how harshly he grabbed at your hips each time you'd try to run away.

"Good boy, eat me just like that." That sentence alone was enough to make him cum. So much to the point he had to stop, either way it was perfect timing.

"Mhm, now you've earned the right to be inside of me. Hands behind your head."

"Oh c'mon love"

"Hands. Behind. Your head. No touching."

"Can you at least face me?"

"Yea... I wanna see your face when I make you cum."

He rolls his eyes and reluctantly follows instructions. A hand softly grips his neck as you climb on top, causing a smile to form on his face. He clings to his curls, anxious and relieved he finally gets to feel you. You keep a ruthless rhythm as you ride, making him throw his head back and beg for you. Your hips slammed against his as he reached for the headboard behind him. He wasn't used to not being able to have his hands all over you, he wanted nothing more. You wondered if this was the kind of power he felt all the time. Every so often you'd change the angle and slow down a little, taking him out completely when it sounded like he was going to climax. He couldn't tell if he was experiencing too much pleasure to feel regret, but at this point he'd do just about anything to stop the edging.

"Shit, it's yours. It's yours baby, please." His begging got more intense each time he slipped back in, and you loved every second of it. "You're so fucking good. Nobody's ever fucked me this good. I'd do anything for you." He was louder than you ever heard him before and your name effortlessly flowed from his mouth. Honestly, he did better for you than you thought. He'd only touched you once, and after having to start over he'd be damned if he made that mistake again. It was time to stop teasing, he earned it.

"I'm so close, please don't stop. I promise I'll- Please let me-"

"Cum for me baby." And he did, almost on command. The look of shock on his face told you he had just as much fun as you did.

"You're insane," he chuckles. "I love it though." He grabs the pack on his nightstand, making his way to the window to light a cigarette.

"You started it, that's probably exactly what you wanted," you say matter-of-factly.

"No idea what you're talking about," he shrugs once again, reassuring that he deserved every bit of torture he got tonight. Maybe you'd even try to make it a regular thing.

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