#6 - On the Beach (S)

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Warning ⚠️ : short and smutty ft. some riding and fingering

The bathroom light flicked on in your suite. You could hear Dom moving around, and due to all his tossing and turning on the other side of the king sized mattress—you guessed he couldn't sleep either. You sleepily slide your phone off the nightstand and begin to scroll. How was it almost 6 in the morning?

"Hey," he peaks his head out the doorway, drying his hands on a towel. He'd left the door to the en suite open. "Hope I didn't wake you."

"Ugh no," you roll your eyes. "I can't sleep for shit."

He walks over concerned and sits on your side of the bed. "You ok?" He rubs your temple with his thumb. "You uncomfortable?"

"No, baby" you smile. "I'm good, just got a lot on my mind." He nods, but is obviously disappointed there's not something he can do. "Wanna go to the beach?" you ask. "By the time we get there the sun will be rising."

He takes a moment, but deciding between faking sleep or walking the beach with his girl in the Bahamas was a no brainer. "Fuck it, I'm down."

You both sluggishly move about and put on the first thing you can find, a cropped tank and maxi skirt being at the top of your suitcase. Dom usually found himself settled in Naples for his birthday and the New Year, you wanted some time alone before his year started to get too hectic. Although you'd agreed it was a good idea to get away, it seemed like neither one of you were able to leave your stress at home. 

"See? Perfect timing," you say as the morning sun starts to brighten the beach. He laid out a throw from one of the hotel couches and sat down quickly, waiting for you to follow.

"C'mere," he holds out his arms to embrace you. As you bend down, he pulls your waist in his direction, causing you to stumble into your rightful place in front of him.

"Dominic!" you push his chest before leaning against it. He laughs, deciding to rest his chin on top of your head like a personal armrest. "So pretty, look at the way the light hits over there," you say, pointing to the left.


"And the water's so blue," you
nudge him.

"Mhm," he nuzzles into you, clearly not paying attention to a word you're saying nor the scenery in front of him.

His nose softly travels the length of your neck, his lips soon after. At the same time his right hand slowly makes its way from your knee to your hips, then back down. The faint touch of his lips turned into sweet little kisses then turned into nibbling.

"Right here?" you ask quietly

"Right now." he smiles

He reaches around and gently places his hand around your neck, using the other to slide up your skirt for easier access. You tilt your head back and his lips crash against yours, his free hand now fiddling with your underwear. He pushes them down to your thighs and makes his way toward your heat, starting slow circles on your clit with the pads of his fingers. With each of your moans he kisses you deeper, then moves his hand back to slip inside of you. He's makes sure to be cautious while pumping in and out, preparing you to open up for him.

"On top of me," he demands before savoring the taste of you on his fingers.

You oblige and sit in his lap facing him. He puts a hand on your hip and slides in perfectly. His lips find your neck again as he pulls you in, you start to find your rhythm. You bounce in his lap, each stroke longer than the last, making him nibble harder and rest his head in your neck to muffle his noises. He leans back and admires as you work him, now balancing on your feet with your hands on his chest.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he croons. In one swift motion he flips you over, once you're on your back he moves a leg up to his shoulder.

At this point it didn't matter who may catch you. You were so deep in the moment, you felt like they'd be lucky to watch. Dominic felt you getting closer and picked up the pace, leaning in so your bodies were as close as possible. What started out as an innocent walk on the beach turned into you humming his name and clawing at his back as he tried to fit in every inch of himself. He held on tighter with each thrust as each of you came closer to your climax.

"Holy shit," he sighs, laying beside you.

"Yea, woah... where did that come from?" you respond out of breath.

"I know," he pauses to face you. "Just missed you is all."

"Well, I think we got the perfect start to our trip," you giggle, gliding your hand along his jaw. "I missed you too."

hbd to Dom baby 🫶🏾

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