#14 - Who Is She 2 U?

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Finally got another one for the angst girlies😮
A heated argument after a party


It was about 1 AM in Los Angeles. You sleepily looked out the window of the Porsche with your legs turned toward the door. Even though the radio played lowly in the background, the silence between you and Dominic was telling. You couldn't help but replay the turning point of the night over and over, wondering if you were exaggerating or just paranoid. Either way, you were ticked off. 


"Oh my god, hey!" a woman's voice came from behind you. "Dominic!"

You both turned around and he attempted to give her a quick embrace, which she prolonged by making her arms a little tighter. "So good to see you! Wow, you look so sick. Ok YSL!" she complimented.

"Aw thanks man, thanks. Nice jacket! I haven't seen you since we stopped filming, how's it goin'?" As she talked about herself, you pieced together that she was on crew for Little Death and the two had a few things in common. No harm, no foul, just some girl he worked with once. Or at least that's how it felt until she refused to acknowledge your existence. You intentionally cleared your throat, signaling Dom to introduce you. "Oh hey, this is my girl," he motioned to you and grabbed your hand. "She was actually at the premiere at Sundance."

"Hm, that's cute. Nice to meet you." It was something in her tone you didn't like. Maybe that was just the liquor talking or the fact that she didn't reach out a hand to shake or wear a warm expression. You took a step closer to him and had another sip as you awaited his response. She turned her attention back to Dominic. "Look at you, look at these arms!" She squeezed his bicep, beaming and he laughed along with her. "And you're out here playing on stage with Weezer? You are something else, looked way too fire on that stage. I mean, you just look so different! Good different, great even." You knew that feeling in your stomach was right when you noticed her scan his body.

"I fucking hope so," he chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes. "I'm in a much different place now, you know?" Your shoulders tensed up as you realized he wasn't reading into her chipper nature and flirty eyes. You couldn't believe he was being so oblivious, and at this point you might as well have not even been in the room. She said she's glad to hear and suggested he call her anytime to "hang out" before embracing him once more for much longer, not saying goodbye to you as if you'd never met in the first place.


Your energy changed for the rest of the night and you were quiet the whole way home. Being intoxicated, you didn't want to address it the wrong way. It was hard to tell if you were more mad at him or her. After what seemed like the longest car ride in your life, Dom pulled into his driveway and turned the car off. "You good?" he asks. You nod and get out quickly, avoiding eye contact and hoping he would just drop it so you could sleep on it.

He walked in first, dragging his feet a little like he was in thought. You move around him and head to the bathroom to take a shower, maybe that would calm you down and stop the loop of their conversation going on in your head. Just as you're about to take off your dress, there's a knock on the door. "Yea?" you respond irritated. He pokes his head in. "Hey, come here real quick."

You turn off the shower and meet him in the kitchen. Please ask about literally anything else, you thought to yourself. "Why are you so quiet? I feel like I did something and don't know what. I thought we had a good time tonight," he asked. "We did," you said dryly, ignoring his question and deciding to say 'fuck it' and pour another drink. "Some people were just more fun than others."

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