#5 - Trailblazers

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"I wish we had a dog."

"Huh?" you scrunched up your face in confusion. Dominic had a habit of blurting out the most random thoughts he had whether it related to the conversation or not. Some times you could keep up but other times...

"You know, a dog, we're out here around all these trees and stuff. He'd enjoy this shit ya know? Or she."

You relaxed your face and nodded slowly, closing the trunk. This time he was making sense. Your friends had went hiking last week while you were working and Dom felt bad. He immediately offered to take you after seeing how disappointed you looked. It's not like they didn't offer, but you were swamped and they'd already pushed it back. He was actually really excited to be the one to take you!

"Ok sooo, we have water, trail mix, portable charger, a little map of this place, and an extra hair tie for you because you never have any for some reason," you look up at Dom, zipping your backpack.

"Why are you like this?" he jokingly asks in response to your unnecessary scrunchie comment

"You love it! I'm cute, Im thoughtful, and I'm funny, dontcha think?" you start your walk

"Fair play, fair play" he tilts his head side to side.

You begin to walk up the trail hand in hand and start asking Dom about this hypothetical dog.


About 30 minutes in Dom slows down with a hand on his lower back, looking towards the sky.

"What the fuck, I can't do this anymore," he dramatically puts his hands on his knees and lowers his head. "Go on without me."

"Come on, come on," you gently pull at his arm. "Big baby, we're almost there I promise!"

After a few more minutes of walking, you'd finally made it to your resting place at the top of the hill. You were able to see all of Los Angeles, and just before the sun set. The skyline was made up of buildings you had walked passed together on dates and the sky began to fade from baby blue to a light orange.

"Worth it?" you looked at your exhausted boyfriend

"Worth it."

You found a bench and pulled out the components of your backpack. Once you'd settled in, you began to think about how lucky you were. Even though he'd struggled a bit and his legs were killing him, you knew Dominic would do just about anything to make you smile. The light hit his face just right and brought out the texture and color of the curls draping his face. He caught you staring at him as he scarfed down a handful of trail mix and raised his eyebrows.


You shook your head. "I just love you."

"Aw," he chuckles. "I love you too baby, maybe we should head back down?"

You nodded and he helped get your stuff together. The sky now went from a yellow-orange to a deep, almost burnt orange color. You ended your journey as it began, hand in hand.

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