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Baek Dayeon had mentally dreaded reaching her classroom

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Baek Dayeon had mentally dreaded reaching her classroom. Another day of doing her best not to smack a specific black-haired boy into complete oblivion. She took a deep breath before entering the classroom.

She smiled upon seeing her dear best friend, Jung Harin before walking to her seat, which, unfortunately, was next to Nishimura Riki

Now, Dayeon was nowhere near a hater type of person but Godbless, that stupid boy with his stupid mouth and his stupid attitude, she's sworn she's never felt this type of anger and irritation towards someone or something before. Words can't describe how much she completely despised him, to which the feeling was mutual. 

She was just about to take her seat when she noticed his backpack on her seat. She cleared her throat to get his attention but it never averted from his sketchbook. 

"Could you move your bag?" she spoke up, her mood already ruined. 

"Could you sit somewhere else?" he grumbled, finally moving his backpack and allowing her to sit down right as the teacher entered the class. 

Believe me, if I could, I would. 

She let out a long sigh and settled down. She could only thank her teacher, Ms. Bae, for arranging the class seating and putting the one person she couldn't stand as her seatmate. She had tried talking to Ms. Bae privately about it but she believed that if they spent more time with each other, they could be 'great friends'.

Great friends, my ass. 

It's been 6 months and the only thing that changed was that she despised him more now, if that was even possible. He just somehow always managed to push her buttons. She averted her thoughts and started paying attention to Ms. Bae. 

Still, no matter what, she was determined to have a good week although seeing Riki's face already changed that. Just seeing him already made her want to gouge her eyeballs out and every time he opened his mouth to speak, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard, which may be a tad bit dramatic, but you get the point. 

"Today, we'll just be doing some light partner work with your deskmate—" Dayeon didn't even hear the rest of the sentence because Riki let out a small groan. She rolled her eyes at his reaction but said nothing more because she felt the same. 

She turned to look at Harin and furrowed her eyebrows upon noticing something. The tip of her friend's ears were bright red and so were her cheeks. That's odd, Dayeon thought to herself. If Dayeon didn't know any better, she'd think Harin was undoubtedly blushing but the question was, because of who.

She saw that Harin's deskmate, Taki, then spoke up, to which she just nodded and he continued writing in his book. The little smile Harin had on her face immediately vanished when she noticed Dayeon looking at her. 

𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 ☁︎ 𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now