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For the past few days, Baek Dayeon and Nishimura Riki haven't been talking at all, not even a glance at each other

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For the past few days, Baek Dayeon and Nishimura Riki haven't been talking at all, not even a glance at each other. The two teens seemed out of it whenever they were in class, often dozing off because they couldn't get much sleep, or not paying attention to the lesson.

The tension was always so thick and heavy, both of them not wanting to say a word to each other. They had so much to say, so many questions to ask, the opportunity being there right in front of them but their pride stopped them. 

Nishimura Riki sighed to himself for the hundredth time that night. It's been happening for about a week now. Sleepless nights where his mind would go back to that day when he said all those things about Baek Dayeon. Things he didn't even mean, things he wished he could take back upon remembering the disappointed look on her face.

He took out his phone and his finger clicked on their chat. He was mindlessly scrolling and reading through them. He sometimes found himself giggling at a stupid text she sent or at a picture of her using a goofy Snapchat filter. 

He couldn't comprehend why he always had to mess things up, why he always pushed her away whenever things were getting decent between them. He didn't want to hurt Dayeon at all, but it seemed like he always unintentionally did so when all he wanted was to hold her hand or have her run her hands through his silky hair, or feel her soft lips against him again. 

Was he trying to protect his heart, not wanting to go through the same things the 6th grade he went? Or was it because he was scared? If he was already capable of messing things up while he and Dayeon were only friends, imagine the disaster he'd cause if they were more than friends. 

The amount of guilt he felt was indescribable. Riki knew there was no way their friendship could be salvaged anymore. There was nothing left. And even if there were, he would fuck it up sooner or later.

He knew Baek Dayeon hated him, and rightfully so. If he were her, he'd hate himself too. He could see the despisement in her eyes whenever their eyes would accidentally meet. 

The amount of guilt he was feeling may be big, but the amount of sadness and dejection Dayeon was feeling was even bigger. I mean, imagine hearing your crush say he'd rather the world end than to like you. 

A tear rolled down her cheek again as she stared at their old texts. Behind all that hatred Riki was seeing, deep down whether she'd like to admit it or not, she greatly wished for things to go back to the way they were. And that no matter how much she 'hated' him, she would always like him more. 


Lively chatters and murmurs filled the classroom in the early morning. Riki looked at the empty seat beside him, wondering where Baek Dayeon was. She was never this late to school and as selfish as it was, he was a little worried about her. Their Their homeroom teacher entered the classroom, and everyone immediately quieted down upon seeing their teacher. 

𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 ☁︎ 𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now