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As soon as the last bell rang for the day, students quickly packed up, in a hurry to leave the school and go back to the comfort of their homes

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As soon as the last bell rang for the day, students quickly packed up, in a hurry to leave the school and go back to the comfort of their homes. Still feeling disheartened over her test marks, Dayeon took her time to pack up her things.

She had completely forgotten Riki's promise of treating her ice cream after school, so you can imagine the heart attack she nearly got seeing Riki's face right after she closed her locker.

"Can we go tomorrow, I'm not really in the mood," She murmured. I mean, who would be happy right after flunking a test you worked so hard for?

"I have my match tomorrow," He answered, walking faster to match her pace. Noticing the sad look on her face, he spoke up again. "Hey, you tried your best. Don't think about it too much and just focus on the other tests that are coming up,"

"How did you get full marks even though you only revised with me?" She questioned, lips slightly pouted in disappointment at herself. "Are you some type of genius or something?"

Riki chuckled at her words, avoiding eye contact with her. He was trying so hard to resist the urge to squish her cheeks and ruffle her hair. She sounded so innocent, making it harder for him to tell her that her notes were wrong, especially with how confident she sounded explaining the topic to him earlier.

"Maybe we should study together sometime, I'll teach you my top-secret tips for studying," He suggested as they entered the ice cream shop.

"Really? You'd do that?" she asked, eyes wide with a small beam on her face. He could hear the excitement in her voice, a grin making its way to his lips before he replaced it with a stoic look, nodding his head at her question.

"We could invite Harin and Taki too!" she suggested. They could definitely do those double study dates typa thing, excluding the dating part, of course. 

Riki almost stopped in his tracks hearing her words. Right. He had completely forgotten about those two, which was pretty ironic considering that the only reason he and Dayeon were the way they were right now was because of them.

"You know, you basically got full marks because of me," Dayeon voiced out upon reaching the ice cream store. She had helped him study less than an hour before the actual test and he had gotten full marks.

"You're so right. Oh, Dayeon, what would I have done without you," Riki answered, voice lacing with faux remorse, along with his eyebrows furrowing and his hand on his chest. She giggled at his sarcastic remark, rolling her eyes at his words. 

After their little ice cream treat (to which Dayeon most definitely didn't judge him for his immense love for the Mint Choco flavor, "It literally tastes like toothpaste, what are you on?" "Your palates just aren't designed to ingest such an exquisite flavor, Dayeon,"), Riki offered to walk her home even though it wasn't late yet. 

The sun hadn't even begun to set but he still insisted, disregarding the fact that his mother specifically reminded him to be home early today. Dayeon reached her hands into her pocket, trying to find her phone, remembering that she forgot to tell her mother that she'd be home a little late today. 

𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 ☁︎ 𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now