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Once they entered the infirmary, Riki gently set her down on one of the beds

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Once they entered the infirmary, Riki gently set her down on one of the beds. They were the only ones there and the nurse was nowhere to be seen. He figured she should either wait for the nurse or clean the wounds herself. 

Dayeon winced feeling the cool AC air hitting the wounds. He turned around to leave but something stopped him. For some reason, he felt responsible for all of this happening. After all, he did notice her shoelaces untied and didn't try to remind her about it. 

After contemplating for a few seconds, he sighed and walked to the drawers to look for the first aid kit. He found a stool and set it in front of her before sitting down on it. Dayeon raised her eyebrows in confusion. 

An uncomfortable silence surrounded them as he took out some antiseptic wipes. She gave him an odd look. Nishimura Riki was helping her. He was voluntarily helping her without asking for anything in return. 

Surely this was a prank of some sort. She waited for him to laugh and ask her did she really think he was going to help her. But that never happened. Instead, she felt the cold wipe come in contact with her knee, a sharp hiss escaping her lips due to the stinging sensation. 

"Stop being so dramatic," he remarked, gently cleaning the wound. 

"I'll actually kick your face, Nishimura," 

He chuckled. "You can but you won't,"

"And why's that?"

A smug smile made its way to his lips. "Cause it'll hurt your knee way too much," 

Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew he was right. But seeing the annoying smile he had on his face urged her to answer back. "At least I'll get the satisfaction of kicking your hideous face," 

That surely wiped the smirk right off his face. Dayeon grinned seeing how fast the smile disappeared. He cleared his throat, "You're just jealous of my looks," 

"You're right. I'm sorry that you have such a striking resemblance to a baboon," said Dayeon. Riki didn't know whether to be offended or laugh because it was actually funny. He snickered at her snarky remark but covered it up with a cough. 

He signaled for her palms so he could start cleaning them and bandaging them up. She was surprised by how fast he treated the wounds on her knees. He had even wrapped them in elastic bandages. She barely even felt a thing, although it was probably because she was too busy bickering with him. 

He held her wrist as he lightly dabbed the wipe on her palm. The pain was somewhat bearable so the silence engulfed the both of them once again. Dayeon couldn't help but gaze at the boy in front of her. She still couldn't believe he was helping her. It was so unlike Riki.

Noticing her stillness, he looked back up, eyes widening when he noticed how close their faces were. Still, not one of them made any advances to move away. 

Her eyes diverted to the beauty marks scattered around his face. Even after knowing him for years, she never noticed that small detail of his. Or the way his lips were slightly pouted whenever he concentrated on something. She wondered what other features of his she never noticed due to the constant bickering and the so-called hatred they had for each other.

Riki's breath hitched seeing her eyes shift to his lips. He didn't know why, but he could feel his hands sweating and his heartbeat quickening as he continued to stare into her eyes. Hearing the infirmary door open, the two immediately retraced from each other with slightly reddened cheeks. 

"Dayeon, I heard what happened! Do you feel better now?" said Harin as she rushed to her dear friend with a big hug. Riki quickly finished bandaging up her palm before putting the kit back in the drawer. 

"Yeah, I feel much better," she answered with a thankful smile.

Riki then cleared his throat, "I don't hear a thank you,"

"Don't expect one, now shoo," said Dayeon, waving her hands in a shooing motion so he could leave. He rolled his eyes but a grin was displayed on his lips. 

Harin looked at the two of them suspiciously, a teasing smile appearing on her face. "Surprised you guys didn't end up killing each other," 

"Believe me, I wanted to," she sighed and laid on the bed. Harin just nodded mindlessly, unsure whether she should bring up the fact that she had seen everything that happened moments before she entered the infirmary. She couldn't lie, she was glad that they were finally somewhat civil with each other. With a sly smile on her lips, she thought of how things were going according to plan. 

so what do u guys think so farrrr hehe

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so what do u guys think so farrrr hehe

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