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After what seemed like forever to Riki (it was only an hour and a half), they finally finished skating

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After what seemed like forever to Riki (it was only an hour and a half), they finally finished skating. With their tummy rumbling, they decided it was finally time to eat. Taki had suggested a really good restaurant he had visited with his friends last week so they headed there.

Dayeon nudged Riki, pointing to the two in front of them. It was so endearing to see how they hadn't left each other's side since they arrived at the mall.

"Pretty soon, they're gonna end up dating," she whispered, giggling to herself. 

She was interrupted by her own thoughts seeing a familiar group of faces in front of them. Harin and Taki had begun talking to a few of them whom Dayeon recognized as Jo, Harua, and Maki. Her eyes widened slightly seeing a very familiar boy. He gave her a smile, excited but the good kind since he didn't expect to see her here, even if she was standing next to another boy. 

"You look stunning," Yuma complimented sincerely once he noticed her outfit. He couldn't help but notice that she was matching with Riki. Riki politely smiled at Yuma before internally rolling his eyes seeing how overjoyed the girl next to him looked. He didn't know why he felt irritated all of a sudden.

It turns out, Taki's friends were also going to the same restaurant as they were. The two girls didn't mind having more company for a while so they all headed there together. Somehow, Dayeon ended up sitting next to Yuma and his other friend by the name of Maki. From what she knew, he was in the year below her but she recognized him and had talked to him a few times because he was so friendly with everyone. 

Riki sat at the end of the table, which was furthest from her but his eyes wouldn't stop peering at her. A scoff left his lips or he rolled his eyes whenever he saw her laugh a little too hard at Yuma's jokes. 

After they finished their meals, they all bid their goodbyes and went their separate ways as before. Taki suggested they should go to the arcade a little before going home and Riki agreed since he needed to blow off some steam (more like the green monster called jealousy that brewed whenever he saw them together). 

He didn't understand why Yuma was practically everywhere Dayeon was. He shouldn't have jinxed himself the other day by saying that Yuma would never notice her. A weight of guilt washed over him as he recounted the events of that day. More specifically, the look of sadness on her face when he said that. Yes, he still hasn't forgotten it. 

To be frank, he didn't mean any of his words when he said that. He was just having an exceptionally shitty morning and he had a bad habit of spewing nonsense and words he didn't mean when he was mad. 

His attention averted away from his thoughts hearing the excited squeal of the girls when Taki managed to get the purple plushie from the claw machine. Without even thinking twice, he handed the big plushie to Harin, whose cheeks began heating up profusely. 

Dayeon then gave a try at the game, determined to get the pink plushie. Seeing how dedicated she was, it looked like she was willing to spend the night here or forever at the expense of that pink plushie. 

𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 ☁︎ 𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now