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Word Count: 2,647

I eyed Sana suspiciously as I handed her the empty lunchbox, my curiosity piqued.

"It was good," I commented, trying to hide my anticipation.

"Of course it is," she replied with a playful smirk.

"Who made it, though?" I inquired, eager to know the answer.

"Oh, just someone I know," she replied nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact.

"Do I know that someone too?" I prodded, hoping for more information.

"What makes you say that?" she deflected, her attention already shifting to something else on her computer.

I continued to gaze at her, waiting for a response, but she seemed focused on her work.

"Please go away, Y/N. I'm busy," she finally said, a hint of exasperation in her voice.

"Sana..." I started, my voice filled with a mix of frustration and curiosity.

"Just go, okay? Stop overthinking things so much," she urged, her tone softer now.

"Fine," I sighed, feeling defeated as I turned to go back into my office.

"But tell whoever that person is, my thanks," I added, wanting to express my gratitude.

Sana smiled and nodded, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes.

I smiled back at Sana and stepped inside my office. Maybe she was right, and I was overthinking things. Although, as I ate the meal, a feeling stirred within me, as if it were something that...

Jennie would have made.

But I quickly dismissed the thought. After all, the undeniable fact remained that she still held resentment towards me. Why would she go through the trouble of doing something kind if her hatred for me was so evident, to the point of running away at the sight of me?

I snickered to myself, realizing the absurdity of my own musings. I needed to stop dwelling on the past.

I walked over to my desk and began preparing for my next patient, putting my focus back on my work. It was time to set aside these thoughts and concentrate on the present.


I stretched my arms, relieved that my work hours had finally come to an end. I had just finished with my last patient for the day. Surprisingly, I felt energized after having eaten a decent meal earlier.

Looking around the room, I made sure that everything was in its proper place. Satisfied with the tidiness, I turned my attention to Sana, who knocked on the door and entered.

"Ready to go?" she asked, her gaze meeting mine.

"Yes, just checking if I missed anything," I replied, a hint of perfectionism in my tone.

"You're not someone who would miss anything, Ms. Perfect," she teased, a playful smile on her face.

"Of course I am," I retorted, a playful smirk playing on my lips.

"Of course you would miss something?" she quipped, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I am perfect," I replied, my tone laced with confidence.

Sana shook her head, a mixture of amusement and exasperation evident on her face. "So full of yourself as always."

I laughed and gathered my belongings, ready to leave the dental clinic. It was time to unwind and enjoy some well-deserved free time.

Book 4: The Sweet Tooth's Second Shot (Jennie X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now