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Word Count: 2,684

"So, I heard that Ms. Lunchbox spent the night at your place on New Year's Eve," Sana said, arching both eyebrows and giving me a sly look as I walked into the clinic.

I rolled my eyes, used to Sana's playful banter. "Yeah, so what?" I replied, strolling further into the clinic and settling into a chair near Sana's desk. "Happy New Year to you too, my nosy nurse."

Sana chuckled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Happy New Year, my grumpy doctor!"

Her gaze shifted to the lunchbox in my hand, a smirk forming on her lips. "Is that your breakfast or something? Ms. Lunchbox really knows her way around the kitchen, huh?"

I let out a tired sigh, feeling a mix of fatigue and gratitude. This morning had been a whirlwind as I overslept and was still not feeling my best. However, I couldn't afford to disrupt my schedule due to a minor illness.

"Yeah, when I woke up, she had already left, and this was waiting for me on the table. I didn't have time to eat at home because I was running late, so I just packed it up," I explained, absentmindedly toying with the handle of the lunchbox.

Sana couldn't contain her excitement as she eagerly jumped up from her desk and made her way over to where I was sitting, a wide grin spreading across her face.

I raised an eyebrow, curious about what had sparked her enthusiasm. She placed both of her hands on my shoulders, unable to contain her curiosity any longer.

"So, are you two lovebirds back together again?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with playful anticipation.

I coughed, caught off guard by her question. "What? No way! Why would you even think that?" I responded, my tone laced with feigned shock.

Sana let out an exaggerated sigh, dramatically slumping her shoulders. "Well, she did spend the night, didn't she? That's got to mean something," she teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Geez, Sana, you're too invested in my love life. Take it easy," I chuckled, gently pushing her hands away and standing up. I strolled toward the door of my office, needing a moment to gather my thoughts.

"Yeah, but can you blame me? I'm just a hopeless romantic, hoping for a fairytale ending for you two," Sana admitted with a playful wink, her words tinged with humor.

I stood by my office door, looking back at her, and put on a mock pout. "Aw, I had no idea you were tired of me already. Guess I'll have to find a new nurse," I joked, purposely exaggerating my disappointment.

Sana's eyes widened in mock horror, putting a hand to her chest. "Oh no, you wouldn't dare! Who else would put up with your grumpy self?"

I burst into laughter, and turned to enter my office, closing the door behind me. As I did, I could still hear Sana's playful protests echoing from outside.

I exhaled, taking in the familiar sight of my dental clinic. Everything was in its right place, thanks to Sana's meticulous cleaning and organization before my arrival. I walked over to my desk and placed my bag down, then opened the blinds to reveal a pleasant weather outside with no sign of snow.

Taking a seat in my chair, I began working on the charts of my scheduled patients for the morning. As I scrolled through the names, my eyes came to a halt when I saw a familiar name that made me frown. Ah, this woman had been quite persistent lately.

Unfortunately, she had also scheduled a checkup around lunchtime. I sighed and scribbled a note on IU's chart.

"Sana," I called out, the concern evident in my voice.

Book 4: The Sweet Tooth's Second Shot (Jennie X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now