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Word Count: 3,899

My breath hitched as I felt Jennie's hand on my waist. Her touch felt different, bolder.

I looked into her eyes as she stared blankly at IU, who innocently remarked, "Oh, it's you again, the food delivery girl."

"Ah, n-" I tried to interject, but Jennie abruptly turned towards me, a loving smile on her face. "Sorry, baby. Did you wait long? It took me a while because I got caught up in traffic, and I was busy with the opening of our pastry shop today."

What? What was she saying?

I blinked rapidly, looking at her in disbelief.

Sana cleared her throat, breaking the tension. "Hey, Jennie, glad you came just in time. Ms. IU was just leaving."

IU seemed taken aback, but when she glanced at my face, something seemed to catch her attention. Her frown transformed into a smirk.

She handed me the flowers and smiled sweetly. "I'll come back again tomorrow, Y/N."

With a wink, she turned to leave.

"Are you dumb?" I heard Jennie's voice, catching me off guard. This newfound assertiveness was unfamiliar to me. I gazed at her face, which was now close to mine. "Didn't you hear that she's taken?"

"Says who?" IU managed to respond.

My heart... it's racing.

"Says her girlfriend," Jennie replied, her words causing my heart to skip a beat. I couldn't help but lean slightly towards her, seeking comfort in her presence.

Was she just helping me push IU away after seeing how uncomfortable I was? The thought lingered in my mind, uncertain but hopeful.

IU snickered and let out a small laugh, seemingly amused by the situation.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, Jennie swiftly took the flowers from IU's hand and deliberately stepped on them, crushing them beneath her feet.

IU's smile faltered, and she hissed in frustration.

Jennie met her gaze with her feline eyes, her voice laced with determination. "I hope you understand the message clearly. Next time, it won't just be the flowers that I step on."

IU seemed on the verge of saying something, but ultimately decided against it. She glanced at me briefly before speaking. "Enjoy for now, my darling."

With that, she turned and left.

As soon as the door closed, Jennie released her hold on me, letting go without a word. She seemed to ignore my presence as she walked over to Sana's desk, nodding at her. She placed the lunchbox there and turned to leave.

"Jennie," I murmured, my voice barely audible.

She paused for a moment, freezing in her tracks, and finally turned to face me.

Her feline eyes, which I had missed so much, locked onto mine.

"Can we talk?" I paused, my gaze locked with Jennie's, and I gestured towards my office. "Please?"

We held each other's gaze for a lingering moment, the air charged with unspoken emotions. Jennie seemed stronger now, exuding a newfound confidence, unafraid to face anything that came her way.

She nodded, her eyes never leaving mine, and gracefully walked into my office as if she belonged there. It was a sight I had grown accustomed to, yet it never failed to stir something within me.

Turning to Sana, I saw her encouraging smile, a silent affirmation that I could face whatever lay ahead. Emboldened, I returned the smile and followed Jennie into the intimate space.

Book 4: The Sweet Tooth's Second Shot (Jennie X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now