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Word Count: 2,156

The next day, I raised an eyebrow as Sana handed me two items. This time, it wasn't just a lunchbox, but there was also a bouquet of sunflowers.

I couldn't help but feel a wave of confusion wash over me. Was this also from Jennie? The situation was becoming increasingly perplexing, causing me to lean back in my chair, trying to make sense of it all.

Sana wore a similar frown on her face, as if she despised the flowers she had just placed on my desk. I couldn't help but wonder if these flowers were indeed from Jennie or if there was another explanation.

"I hate to ask, but isn't this going a bit overboard? From a lunchbox to flowers?" I questioned, my voice tinged with bewilderment.

"I'd like to say the same thing. Here's your lunchbox. It's from that person who's been looking out for you. But these flowers..." Sana's voice trailed off as she glared at them. "They arrived at the same time as the lunchbox. I have no idea how to explain these flowers from that person, since I don't understand why your patient would be giving you flowers, Y/N."

"Patient? What?" I exclaimed, taken aback by the mention of a patient. "I swear I wasn't flirting with anyone."

Curiosity got the better of me, and I reached for the card attached to the flowers. To my surprise, it was from IU. That girl.

"What did Je-" I caught myself, almost mentioning her name. "I mean, was that person angry when she saw this?"

Sana frowned at me, her confusion mirroring my own. "I don't know. The flowers were delivered around the same time that she arrived, so I'm certain she heard that the flowers were for you."

I groaned, feeling a sense of frustration. Now Jennie might think I'm involved with someone else.

But why was I even worrying about this? I shouldn't let it bother me. However, deep down, I didn't want Jennie to believe that I had shifted my attention elsewhere.

"Could you please inform Ms. Lunchbox that I did not accept the flowers? Also, Sana, please dispose of them, and in the future, don't even accept them," I requested, my tone firm.

Sana seemed pleased by my decision and smiled at me. "You've changed, Y/N. I'm happy to see that you've become emotionally strong and know what you want."

I raised an eyebrow, curious about her comment. "What do you mean?"

She shook her head dismissively. "Nothing. Sure, I'll throw the flowers away. Or maybe I'll give them to the beggar outside. It would be a shame to let them go to waste in the dumpster."

"Do whatever you want with them," I replied, exhaling as she took the flowers away and closed the door behind her. I turned my attention to the lunchbox and placed my hand on it, feeling a mix of gratitude and conflicting emotions.

This had been going on for a week now, and I couldn't help but wonder if Jennie was doing all of this out of pity, making sure that I ate at least one proper meal a day during lunch. But deep down, I knew that even though she no longer loved me, I wanted her to know that my heart remained solely hers.

I opened the lunchbox and admired the beautifully arranged food inside. The aroma was exquisite, filling the air with a tantalizing scent. I picked up the chopsticks and took a picture, wanting to capture the memories of these thoughtful lunchboxes she had been preparing since day one.

I couldn't predict when she would finally stop, but for now, I would savor each meal and appreciate the care she put into them, even if it was just a small gesture amidst the complexities of our relationship.

Book 4: The Sweet Tooth's Second Shot (Jennie X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now