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Word Count: 4,209

As soon as I stepped into the clinic, I noticed Sana purposely avoiding eye contact with me. She seemed engrossed in her computer and the papers strewn across her desk, giving off an air of busyness.

"Morning, Sana," I greeted, trying to initiate a conversation.

She responded with a hesitant hum, her voice trailing off before she could form a complete sentence.

I couldn't help but sense something off. "Aren't you going to ask if I went to jail because of Jisoo last night?" I quipped, a playful tone in my voice as I raised an eyebrow.

Sana shrugged nonchalantly. "Nah, not really."

I arched my eyebrow in surprise. "That's suspicious, don't you think?"

She looked up from her work, meeting my gaze with a hint of defensiveness. "Why would I? You're a grown adult capable of handling yourself. Plus, it's Jisoo we're talking about here. I know you two can get into some wild situations."

I chuckled, realizing she had a point. "True, true. But you're usually the worrywart, Sana. You always bombard me with questions whenever I go out with anyone, especially Jisoo. It's just unexpected that you're not doing the same this time."

Sana shrugged again, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "I guess I've learned to trust your judgment. Besides, it's more fun to hear the stories from you firsthand."

Humming to myself, I made my way to the office, accepting Sana's reasoning for not bombarding me with questions. As I entered, I took a moment to appreciate the perfectly arranged workspace, feeling a sense of satisfaction.

Settling into my desk, I pulled out my phone, realizing that Jisoo hadn't contacted me since last night. I wanted to thank her for sending me home and preparing breakfast for me. I composed a quick text and sent it her way, eagerly awaiting her response.

Minutes turned into moments, and still no reply. I reasoned that she must be busy with something. Shrugging it off, I focused on the papers in front of me, delving into my work.

Nearly an hour passed when my phone buzzed, indicating a new message. However, I was in the middle of a dental procedure, so I couldn't immediately check it. I guided the patient through the necessary instructions, making sure they were comfortable before they left.

With the procedure complete, I washed my hands and finally took a moment to glance at my phone, curious to see Jisoo's response.

Frowning at Jisoo's confusing response, I typed out a reply, trying to clear up any miscommunication.

"Didn't you send me home and cook for me?" I sent the message and waited for a response, but none came. Sighing, I decided to seek out Sana for a brief chat.

"Hey, Sana," I called out as I approached her.

She looked up from her work, a smile gracing her face. "Yes, Y/N?"

"Do you want some coffee? I'm going out to grab some," I offered.

"Oh, yes please!" Sana replied eagerly, her eyes lighting up at the mention of coffee.

I chuckled. "You know what I want, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I know you."

With that settled, I grabbed my wallet and headed towards the door. The coffee shop was conveniently close by, so I didn't need to bring much along with me.

As I opened the door, I waved casually at Sana, and she smiled in return. The streets were relatively quiet, with clear skies overhead. It seemed most people were occupied with work or school.

Book 4: The Sweet Tooth's Second Shot (Jennie X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now