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Word Count: 3,108

"Back off–she's mine."

A sudden silence fell upon us as my declaration hung in the air, the atmosphere thick with tension. My face flushed with embarrassment, and I quickly averted my gaze, attempting to hide my blushing cheeks.

Jennie's eyes widened in confusion, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. She searched for an explanation in my eyes, but I couldn't meet her gaze, too flustered by my impulsive outburst.

Kai's protest broke the uneasy silence. "Hold on a minute! What do you mean she's yours?" he demanded, his voice laced with annoyance and confusion.

Ignoring his protests, I stumbled over my words, desperately trying to regain control of the situation. "I-I mean... I'm just... looking out for her... as a friend," I stammered, my voice betraying my nervousness.

Jennie's brows furrowed, clearly perplexed by my sudden possessiveness and my feeble attempt to downplay it. Her confusion only intensified the awkwardness of the moment.

Feeling the need to escape the uncomfortable situation, I hastily made my way towards the waiting taxi, my heart pounding in my chest. Ignoring Kai's incredulous expression and Jennie's lingering confusion, I opened the door and motioned for her to get in.

"Come on, let's go," I said, my voice sounding more rushed than intended, as I tried to hide my embarrassment behind a facade of urgency.

Jennie hesitated for a moment, still processing the unexpected turn of events. But sensing my urgency, she complied and climbed into the taxi, her gaze lingering on me with a mix of curiosity and... disappointment.

As I hurriedly got into the taxi and closed the door, I could feel the lingering awkwardness in the air. The driver peered at us through the rearview mirror, sensing the tension but wisely choosing to remain silent.

As the taxi pulled away, I stole a quick glance at Jennie, her puzzled expression etched in my mind. I knew I had some explaining to do, but for now, all I could focus on was trying to calm my racing heart and regain my composure after my unexpected burst out.

I cleared my throat and gently tugged on the sleeve of Jennie's leather jacket, trying to catch her attention. She turned her head, tilting it to the side, her eyes searching mine for an explanation.

"Are you done with your tantrums, Y/N?" she whispered, her voice low enough for only the two of us to hear, the taxi driver focused on the road ahead.

Blushing, I held onto her jacket a little tighter. "I know I should apologize, but... I can't bring myself to do it," I confessed, my words filled with honesty.

"Then don't," she replied, her tone surprisingly gentle. "I'm not asking you to apologize anyway. Just... don't say things you don't mean next time," she sighed, her gaze drifting outside the window.

I couldn't help but notice a hint of sadness in her eyes. The realization weighed heavily on me, igniting a pang of regret in my chest.

The rest of the ride remained silent, with neither of us speaking a word. Jennie seemed lost in her thoughts, and I felt a growing sense of unease. I wanted to break the silence, to bridge the gap that had formed between us, but the words eluded me.

Finally, the taxi pulled up in front of a grand apartment building, towering high above us. It exuded an air of luxury, clearly a high-end residence.

I reached into my wallet and paid the taxi fare, expressing my gratitude to the driver. "Thank you, sir," I said as he nodded. Turning to Jennie, I offered her my hand to assist her out of the taxi, but she ignored it and stepped out on her own.

Book 4: The Sweet Tooth's Second Shot (Jennie X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now