Chapter 11

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AS The day went on slowly. Jabari helped around the community seeing what else had to be done. He eventually was able to have the rest of the day off. So he headed to Aaron's place to collect Nyla. He headed over and was instantly met with a dirty little girl full of glitter and anything else a little could have all over her. The man chuckled and kneeled to be at the same height as his daughter. "Wow you look like a walker" the man commented. making Nyla giggle as the man picked her up and carried her over his shoulder. "Umm Julia wanted me to tell you she's working late there's a new person here so she's showing him everything" Jabari didn't think anything of it and nodded

Suddenly Aaron looks at the two almost for an instant made him smile. "Sorry she's dirty. girl loves to play so much" Jabari looked at Aaron with a chill expression on his face. "It's alright Man. I know she's a playful and energetic little kid" Aaron smiles as they bid farewell. Jabari and Nyla are outside. As the two kept walking they see Carl with Judith as he's pushing her in a baby stroller. Nyla runs up to the stroller instantly catching the attention of Carl himself. "Hey man sorry about her she just really loves babies" Carl nodded understanding. While he looks at Nyla he turns his attention over to Jabari. "Hey is Santiago okay" The  says as that catches the attention of the older man. "Umm yeah. I mean he's doing alright" I say reassuring Carl as he nodded.

"Can you tell him that me and Judith say hi" Jabari nodded in response and patted his back. "I will anyways I'll take my daughter off your hands since your busy being a great brother " Carl looked back. "Umm there's this guy apparently he's new" Jabari looked back at him. "Oh yeah Aaron told me, why what's up" Carl shook his head. "Nah nothing just my dad heard that the guy is saying he's been here for ages even though I've never seen him around here"

"Well I'll keep an eye out i'm sure it's no big deal. But I'll look into it" The Young Grimes smiled he eventually walks off.

Jabari and Nyla eventually arrived home. Julia wasn't there so The man decided to run his daughter a bath and let her get washed up in there. As Nyla was in the bathroom Jabari knocked on Santiago's door to see if he was okay. The door opened and Santiago was sitting on his bed writing. He was surprised That his friend was writing he never thought of his friend to write as he use to say in high school that it wasn't his thing.

Santiago looked up and smiled at Jabari as he walked over and hugged him. As a couple of tears rolled down his face it was random but he was glad he was doing quite better. "Are you alright Santiago" The man nodded as he smiled directly at him

It felt arguably weird that he was feeling better but Jabari was giving him the benefit of the doubt. As He headed out and Jabari tried closing the door but noticed something on the floor. His curiosity got the better of him and he entered. He picked it up and noticed it was pills the capsule kind. Jabari was wondering how did this appear in his room. As he was about to check around his surroundings.

He heard a knock on the front door as Jabari quickly went out and opened It. He was met with a person. He didn't know would come to his place. "Larisa? Right" She nodded. "Ummm yeah can I talk to you, Outside" he nodded before exiting out the house. And the both of them walked out on the porch. She started talking. "First of all you know Stan, Spencer's Friend?" He Looks at her with Confusion. "Whose Stan?" He ask as her face starts turning pale. "You know Stan?" Jabari continues to look over at her in confusion. "Who is Stan? Larisa there is no Stan and Spencer does not know a Stan" She starts pacing up and down.

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