Chapter 12

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EARLY Morning arise as Jabari had awoken. He always woken up early when he had these things. He was surprised that Rosita was up sitting at the dining table eating.

"Morning" She replied with a smile. He smiled back and sat at the table. "Where's Abraham?" Jabari asked as he wondered why Abraham hasn't been around with Rosita for awhile. "He's with Eugene" She said sounding a bit suspiciously but Jabari didn't think back about it.

Finally the young girl awoken from her slumber and came over. "Morning dad, Morning Aunt Rosita" The two grown adults wave hello as Jabari sat her down on the table. "You hungry Nyla?" Rosita asked as the little girl nodded. "Yes please" The woman got up and collected a bowl of cereal for the kid and brought it back to the table.

"I better get going, is it okay if Nyla stays with you for the day" Rosita looked at Nyla before looking back at Jabari. "Yeah I can"

Jabari smiled before bidding goodbye to both Nyla and Rosita, he quickly rushed over to his house to get changed. He entered noticing Stan and Julia sitting at the table. He was confused it was really early. Julia noticed Jabari. "Good morning Jabari" The woman said in a cold tone. Stan was sat beside her, comforting her. "What's this?" Julia took a sip out of her mug.

"You tell me Jabari?" The woman gave little to no eye contact to Jabari.

Stan stood up and took her mug away to the sink as Jabari stood there. Stan came back and told Julia he would leave the two of them talk. He walked pasted The man who was standing, nudging him as he put on a devilish grin before exiting.

Julia stared at the wall. "Where were you last night Jabari?" The cold tone could be heard through the whole room. "I was at Rick's" Julia shook her head. "Don't give me that bullshit Jabari tell me where you were"

"I'm telling you- He was interrupted. "Then why did I see you at Rosita's house last night" Jabari Knew he couldn't keep it a secret but then again he needed to she wouldn't understand he thought. "Look-

"God I can't look at you right now" Jabari came closer. "I know I lied but I had a reason" Julia stood up backing away from the man. "I knew it, I knew it. I knew we were starting to have struggles but I didn't think it would be because you were cheating on me with her!" Jabari tried explaining but he was always interrupted by her.

"Go on tell me was she nice to have" Jabari started looking at her with a "Wtf" expression. "What the fuck, I didn't do anything with her" Tears started forming in her eyes. "Stan was right" Jabari stared down Julia as she had mentioned Stan's name. "What the fuck, he's not right. That motherfucker is a lying piece of shit" Julia started shaking her head in disbelief.

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