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The doors of the Kim Villa opened, allowing a red Jaguar E-Type to enter; it was a classic sports car from the 60s, considered the sexiest piece at the time

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The doors of the Kim Villa opened, allowing a red Jaguar E-Type to enter; it was a classic sports car from the 60s, considered the sexiest piece at the time. The owner suited the car as if it had been made for him even though he came to the world thirty years later.

Kim Taehyung was sexy and vintage, a lover of fashion, expensive things and jazz. He was a very famous national socialité, his beautiful and exotic face was unforgettable after just one glance. His charisma, the fiery looks he sent with his dark brown eyes and that habit of licking his thick lips seductively made him as irresistible as chocolate. But he was an expensive piece of chocolate and full of poison. Sadly, the ones who got to taste it couldn't leave reviews.

He parked in front of the doors of the house and got out of the car, his cream-coloured Gucci slippers lay on the floor of small stones and he rose to almost 180cm of height, looking at the entrance of his house with a slight smile on his thick, pink lips.

He ruffled his long, straight ash blonde hair and entered the mansion, meeting the familiar stairs that surrounded the hall to the second floor –A table with a flower pot, with white roses this time, was as usual in the centre of the big room. Over it was a golden chandelier with warm lights.

He sighed, happy to be home after a short work trip to Japan. He was expecting to find the warm welcome with which he was always received but on that occasion, he just saw employees come and go totally distressed. The situation was obvious then, Jin was angry.

"Good morning," Taehyung bowed slightly at the door guard, smiling with closed lips; worrying about Jin being upset was like worrying about the rain in London, it happened too many times to make it worthy of concern. "What happened this time?"

The guard cleared his throat and looked around, Taehyung always found it fun how each of his cousin's people always made sure they could talk before doing so. "Miss Lisa-"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. "Of course," he didn't let him finish.

His cousin was always a problem, especially for Seokjin.

Taehyung wondered what she had done this time.

The last time he was there, two months ago, Lisa had sold one of his daggers online because Seokjin had not wanted to pay and sign the authorization for her class trip to Jeju since they were going to graduate soon and wanted to have a last trip. His cousin had looked as relaxed as ever, filing her nails with her feet crossed on the couch while Seokjin wanted to behead her. Lisa was enjoying that so much that for sure she sold it with the only purpose of making Jin angry.

He told her that she wasn't going to leave that house after that. Lisa didn't give a shit and still tried to run away, but sadly she was caught and punished. That didn't stop her determination apparently since she tried this again and succeeded.

The best joke of all was that she was always trying to sell that angelical idea of herself when she was a demon for him, for Jin, for Yoongi and whoever got to see her true colours.

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