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knock knock👀
is anyone still there?

kq chapters really coming once every two months lol I'm sorry for that but when I finish bb (in like 2-3 months) this story will become my priority

i hope you enjoy it tho because this is full of fluff 😌 im so happy with these scenes. like I can't even explain how much i live kq jk

(a/n; ok no wait this part is a bit mmmm let's call it violent(? so no fluff here but after this there's fluff😸☝🏻)

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(a/n; ok no wait this part is a bit mmmm let's call it violent(? so no fluff here but after this there's fluff😸☝🏻)

A hotel of such high standing as the Shangri-La resort was rarely as troubled as that day.

At noon, right at lunchtime,  a group of dishevelled Korean men had burst into the lobby, demanding to enter Miss Luna Kim's room. The only male receptionist on duty while the rest rested, told them that this was impossible, their connection with the guest could not be verified to allow them access. Miss Luna Kim, a young lady with an elegant walk and delicate manners, would never surround herself with men like that. She seemed like the type of girl who would spit in their faces.

These men insisted that they only wanted to collect her luggage. The receptionist, weak of body but strong-willed, calmly explained to them that this was impossible and expected them to leave. For sure their poor intellect would allow them to cooperate.

The headers of the rather small group, a tall one with straight, wispy hair and a shorter one with short hair and small eyes, looked at each other and chuckled.

What were they chuckling about?

The receptionist thought they would obey him, anyway he had already pressed the emergency button, but it didn't happen.


The shorter one reached his hand across the desk and squeezed his neck so hard his eyes bulged. "Give us the fucking card, mate," the Australian accent was clear and rough.

"I-I cccan't," he managed to mutter as his mouth filled with blood, he had bitten his tongue.

He waited for security to come in but out of the corner of his teary eyes, he saw another dangerous man next to the guard at the entrance, close to him, whispering something in his ear while one of his hands disappeared behind him. He had a gun, and if he had it then everyone had it.

The Australian smiled sweetly at him, "Alright, let's hurry up. Miss Kim ain't one to wait around."

For the first time, he believed them and was perplexed, more than he already was with his life on the verge of escaping into the strong clutches of a guy who could break his neck in a single movement.

Luna Kim was a Pandora's box. She had seemed more like the innocent daughter of a politician than a vandal like these, yet why would she be so alone if she was someone important? Heirs never walk without security...

Killer Queen • liskook {mafia au}Where stories live. Discover now