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ok ok we're finally back
hello lil bitches😈😈
mommy missed you all and she hopes you enjoy this one because Lisa's mind is so confusing istg I STRUGGLED

ok ok we're finally backhello lil bitches😈😈mommy missed you all and she hopes you enjoy this one because Lisa's mind is so confusing istg I STRUGGLED

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Lisa should have done so many things differently. She hated to admit it, but she should have listened to Chaeyoung at the beach when she told her this whole vacation was insane.

Chaeyoung was always right, sadly.

"Put that down, Lisa," Jungkook ordered her calmly, holding out his hand to her as a smile graced his face.

Why was the bastard smiling?! Wasn't he scared to die? Was he used to having a gun aiming at him? Or was he underestimating her?!

He was calm, so calm that he could smile, try to tame her as if she were just a small wild beast instead of a girl holding a gun against him. What kind of man would smile in a situation like this?

The kind of man that had attacked a boy with no trouble in a parking lot, the same kind of man she'd always known he was and she'd chosen to ignore. She had to admit that becoming this man's possible real victim (out of bed) was not so much fun anymore, it was not among her plans to die.

The chances of her getting killed were high now. She was a witness, a mouth that could spill and he wouldn't risk that. Right?

No, she was not going to die that night.


He smiled wider, the dimple in his cheek showing in all its splendor, and he gave a breathy little chuckle that made her even more nervous. The only good thing from this situation was his eyes. He had an innocent look, free of darkness despite being so dark. The only thing more terrifying than this would be his face slowly transforming into the one that dominated her brother so much, the one with the black eyes that were a prelude to a bad ending. Jungkook didn't have that.

She couldn't trust him anyway.

Lisa lowered the gun, aiming at something he cared about most so he would talk.

Jungkook cocked his head as she made his crotch a target, "Are you sure you want to do that? It's a tool we will need for later..."

"Speak and I won't have to do anything."

"If you weren't pointing at my balls, I'd be so turned on... I kinda am," he wiggled his brows with humor. Lisa lowered the safety on the gun and the click made him blink, gritting his teeth and covering his crotch with his hands immediately.

The sudden knock on the door startled her but she didn't dare take her eyes off Jungkook, she knew that this could be the stupidest movement of the night. Besides ending up here naked, obviously.

"Jungkook? Are you okay, man?

Jungkook didn't stop looking at her either, just like that she noticed that despite seeming calm, he knew that he didn't know her well enough to lower his guard. Wasn't it a relief to know that he wasn't a psychopath who wasn't underestimating her?

Killer Queen • liskook {mafia au}Where stories live. Discover now