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hi my love! im literally buzzing with excitement because this is my fav one. fast your seatbelt bitch😼😼

It wasn't hard to find a bunch of stupid bastards, drunk as hell and with two brain cells in their balls governing their actions

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It wasn't hard to find a bunch of stupid bastards, drunk as hell and with two brain cells in their balls governing their actions. You just had to follow the monkey sounds.

Lisa and Jungkook were just coming down the stairs when the Korean guy with long, straight hair approached. He wore a wide smile full of anticipation when he told Jungkook to come with him.

Lisa walked faster than him, levelling her steps to this guy: "Is she okay?"

He was caught off guard hearing her so in control and glanced at Jungkook looking for approval to speak which he got. Lisa rolled her eyes, why couldn't he just speak to her? Was she too short and dickless to know? It was HER friend, not Jungkook's. 

"Yes, she is but I think they spiked her drink though."

Damn motherfuckers!

Jungkook tightened her hand in his back so that she noticed she had been strangling his fingers. But more than a claim, when she turned to see him she found out that it was an assurance that he was going to do something and that she shouldn't worry.

He better do something. He had promised to do something.

Her vision had turned reddish, blood pumping in a hot fury that filled her with adrenaline.

The guy led them out of the bar. The cool breeze brushed against her hot skin and made her nose itch on the way to the parking lot, right at the back where she remembered George had parked the rental car.

She released Jungkook and ran, eager and impatient. Her heart tightened in her chest, even though that guy had told her that Chaeyoung was fine, she needed to see it with her own eyes.

Her steps slowed as she was met with a rather curious scene, full of groans and guys squashed to the ground with their hands behind their backs. One of them was George and he had thrown up, his face buried in the filthy liquid. Of course, he was also involved in this, a disgusting asshole disguised as a lamb.

She decided to put them aside, postpone the fun, to look for her friend whom she found in the arms of a man she didn't know but was with Jungkook.

"She's alright," he assured her with a thin-lipped confident smile, voice deep and clear. He was so pale and skinny that he looked ill, deep circles streaked his eyes and yet made him attractive.

Lisa leaned in to check and smiled sardonically, thinking that Chaeyoung would never have snuggled into a stranger's chest if she had been sober.

Her best friend narrowed her eyes, struggling to see her as her vision had grown so blurry that she could barely make out shapes among the lights. Lisa clenched her jaw, her smile dropping in seconds.

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