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just out of the oven so it's steamy🫦

Lalisa felt so angry that she could not create one logical thought

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Lalisa felt so angry that she could not create one logical thought. She did not consider the probable consequences of facing a group of men who had just killed four innocent people with the violence of an animal. No. She didn't care about anything other than the fact that Jungkook had promised to behave, to keep things not so violent, and he had lied.

She crossed the ship with steady steps, her bare feet clicking on the polished wooden floor, to the bow, where Jungkook was sharing a stinky, disgusting cigarette with Mingyu and Yugyeom. She didn't care that her target was with his bodyguards, who were tall and thick, when she took the smelly roll of tobacco and threw it into the sea.

"You lied to me!" She pointed her finger at him.

Perplexed, still processing that she had just thrown his cigarette to the fish, Jungkook slowly looked back from the sea. "What?"

"WhAt?!" She shamelessly mocked him and pushed his chest and he barely moved. "You lied to me, Jungkook! They are dead, fucking dead!"

"Who's dead?" He kept his stupid calm, looking at her like she was crazy.

She sucked in a breath and her voice hardened into a growl, "Don't play fucking stupid!"

"I ain't got a damn clue what you're talking about!" He got exasperated and looked at his men. "What the hell is she talking about?"

Both men shook their heads with pursed lips, as confused as he was but she noticed those silent questions between them, a hidden code. They had done so many bad things, maybe killed so many people, and they were trying to figure out what she knew and she shouldn't know.

Lisa narrowed her eyes. How could they dare to throw this cheap little theatre, feigning dementia? They were older but not senile. They knew very well what they had done! Did they think she was stupid? And that was what infuriated her the most. These men were taking her for a fool. Jungkook wanted to keep fucking her and was going to lie as much as necessary to get her to stay but he didn't know what a crazy bitch he was dealing with.

Lisa gritted her teeth and climbed the pointed railings of the bow, to the edge of the boat. Her body rose in front of them, feet holding onto thin steel tubes. The height from there was eight metres to the sea, the fall would be hard and even harder if she lost her balance. She could even break her neck. The three men considered each possibility and gasped for it, pushing themselves forward but she held up a finger.

"I'll fucking jump if you don't tell me the fucking truth, Jungkook," she threatened with all the seriousness in the world.

Jungkook paled. For the first time since she met him she saw real concern in his face, the realisation that she was the threat to herself this time, not a Chinese or an American. If he wanted to save her, he would have to hurt her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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